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This happen often?

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Started by #202396 at 20,Sep,12 22:37
Perusing the site...maybe you're here catching up on DF or just hangin in the chat-room & you get a PM. Not just any PM but a WW ...suddenly you're excited!
Just "why" you're here at-all comes into crystal-clear focus! You exchange a few niceties and then he/she's abruptly gone! Now you have to do everything you can to re-connect with this one. Send a gift, a friend request, another PM, post a message on his/her comment block.
Just wondering how many others have been left just wondering.

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New Comment

By #81191 at 22,Sep,12 12:13
Just there way of using the site. They come and they go
By #81191 at 22,Sep,12 12:32
Just had someone ask a question then he was gone as soon as I gave an answer. Not the answer he wanted perhaps

By #285812 at 22,Sep,12 01:11
Just wondering ..just wondering..... If a ram is a sheep, and an ass is a donkey, why is a ram in the ass a goose?

Adult Discussion Forum