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About a month and no ejaculation

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Started by #117461 at 31,Jan,11 06:19
Thus far, I've refrained from cumming since the beginning of this new year. Masturbation thus is more of a relaxing massage than a sexual release (though apparently I end up close to satisfied just the same).

At this point, what do you think would happen if I came now, and what do you think would happen if I wait until the end of the year (assuming I could last that long)?

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By #711401 at 21,Apr,24 14:16
Spent six weeks in hospital. As soon as I got home, I wanked myself into oblivion.

By Cruzxxx at 18,Nov,23 00:26 other posts of Cruzxxx 
It will be like reversing into a milk truck

By #662360 at 14,Nov,23 08:25
I managed about a week without masturbating when I was in a boy’s dormitory on a summer camp. I was scared other boys would hear me wanking in my bed. I started cumming in my sleep. So I started masturbating in bed again. Soon I discovered all the other boys were wanking too.

By #514663 at 13,Nov,23 15:46
Longest I was able to last was 9 days. I got so horny my dick was throbbing and tingling and decided to shoot my cum by itself all over the floor. Felt pretty amazing though

By LGA6969 at 13,Nov,23 13:30 other posts of LGA6969 
it will likely be a great orgasm

By Iluvmycock at 13,Nov,23 06:56 other posts of Iluvmycock 
Just ruin your own squirt. 🤣

By #700430 at 12,Nov,23 06:30
Stimulate it correctly, and you should have enough cum to hit the ceiling.

By Walker at 07,Mar,11 01:50 other posts of Walker 
No reason for this other then self control. I do not do this for prostate health reasons.

By boc at 01,Feb,11 20:16 other posts of boc 
Are you practicing Sting's method of tantric sex?
By #117461 at 01,Feb,11 21:39
Who's method of what-now? This is just an experiment of sorts. If I am practicing anything, it's completely unintentional.
By boc at 01,Feb,11 23:19 other posts of boc 
That seems to be how most disciplines start.

By boc at 01,Feb,11 20:19 other posts of boc 
I have gone up to about two months (not an exact count), and when I finally did ejaculate it was like a waterfall.

Back in my late teens and early 20s I could barely make it past a week. If I didn't release, I would end up releasing automatically at night anyway.

In my early 30s I started experimenting with Sting's proclaimed method of having an orgasm but holding back ejaculation. It worked pretty well, and it gave me more energy than I would have had had I always ejaculated.

By slipper at 01,Feb,11 19:02 other posts of slipper 
Just seems silly to me, but whatever you like!

By hornyteacher at 31,Jan,11 22:11 other posts of hornyteacher 
4 weeks worth of cum, yummm.....have car, will travel..

By pifad at 31,Jan,11 07:35 other posts of pifad 
I'd like to be on the receiving end of your orgasm when your balls finally explode

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