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ok to post the mrs?

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Started by #28981 at 08,Nov,09 08:03
Anyone think its wrong to post there other without knowledge?

Similar topics: 1.Why even bother post?   2.How do you post images in the forum?   3.tell me what to post on my profile   4.How dare you post face pics of others?   5.On wich pages do you post your naughty pics?  

New Comment

By #8288 at 08,Nov,09 09:19
Personally, I do think it is wrong. It is a "trust" issue.

I have not posted any pics yet (even of just myself) because my wife is not comfortable sharing pics online (even "normal" ones). I honor and respect her wishes on this issue.

However, if you do post any of your "other", I won't tell.
By boy at 08,Nov,09 20:16 other posts of boy 
It's ok that you don't post your wife's pics if she isn't comfortable with that, but why don't you show yourself?
By #8288 at 09,Nov,09 08:00
Because I am "hers" and she doesn't want to post our pics. She doesn't mind my surfing porn and stuff (she does it too), but just no pic sharing. I suppose to her that part of maintaining her/our "privacy" is reserved only for ourselves.
By boy at 11,Nov,09 00:09 other posts of boy 
OK, it's your own business anyway. I was just wondering why somebody who likes watching others here at SYD doesn't show any pics of himself. Have fun!

By MoeJoe at 09,Nov,09 11:24 other posts of MoeJoe 
I think it's wrong to post pics of your wife or gf...or bf without their knowledge...and when I say knowledge, I mean their approval. As mentioned above it is a matter of trust. Besides people steal pics all of the time and spread them about the internet, and I don't think your "other" would like that.

By #6236 at 08,Nov,09 15:30
very wrong

Adult Discussion Forum