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who can tell me how to enlarge my dick?

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Started by #231796 at 29,Sep,12 12:46
who can tell me how to enlarge my dick?

Similar topics: 1.penis enlargment exercises   2.How to enlarge man balls   3.curious   4.19 year old cock   5.Make your dick bigger without surgery???  

New Comment

By #302771 at 03,Oct,12 00:40
Easy put it in my moutth

By #268067 at 30,Sep,12 00:24
Don't listen to these fools. What you do is tie a rope to it and then the other to the back of a car. Then you have someone drive off in the car and it will stretch your dick out. Shhhhhhhhhhh don't tell anyone I told ya
By #304590 at 30,Sep,12 01:22
Then he will need major replacement surgery with more than just a cock.
By #268067 at 30,Sep,12 06:29
Yes then go on the dick transplant register and get them to sow on a 10 inch monster (previously owned)
By #242452 at 01,Oct,12 14:16
So THAT'S that they meant when they asked if I wanted to be an organ donor!!

By #303133 at 29,Sep,12 12:53
First, find a quiet place with no one else around.

Next, drop your pants to allow access to your dick.

Carefully grasp your dick with either hand and tug gently.

Repeat tugging motion as needed.

If your dick does not enlarge during this is broken. Return it to the manufacturer for refund or replacement.
By bella! at 29,Sep,12 13:41 other posts of bella! 
Other than your last part about if this doesn't work, your dick may be broken and return it to the manufacturer, that was going to be my advice. I had to say to myself, step back, step away from the keyboard...... We are 2 peas in a sarcastic pod.

By *kmadeau* at 01,Oct,12 08:52 other posts of *kmadeau* 
excellent answer!

By skinb at 30,Sep,12 09:55 other posts of skinb 
We had a coach in highschool who was also a medical doctor and asked if pills work. His reply hell no. So what works. His reply, get horny

By #59855 at 30,Sep,12 06:05
From Matt's Wife: Put it in a bench vice
By bella! at 30,Sep,12 06:17 other posts of bella! 
Much respect to you Matt's Wife,it certainly sounds like you know your way around tools!

By boc at 30,Sep,12 02:09 other posts of boc 
It gets bigger when you put it under water.

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