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Started by #304786 at 29,Sep,12 22:02
Do u like to suck a freshly scrubbed cock and balls that smells of soap or do u prefer a natural manly sweaty cock and balls?

New Comment

By Browningman at 03,Oct,12 04:55 other posts of Browningman 
Odor free plssss

By #62682 at 02,Oct,12 04:01
Cheese is only good in a sandwich

By #242452 at 01,Oct,12 12:57
Depends on if it is cut or uncut. Uncut cocks usually need to be washed more frequently.

By #220845 at 30,Sep,12 02:56
I like them to smell like ivory soap. Clean!

By #274357 at 29,Sep,12 23:14
Funk is reserved only for Prince and George Clinton.

Please wash your stuff.

By bella! at 30,Sep,12 00:36 other posts of bella! 

By Ray10754 at 29,Sep,12 23:44 other posts of Ray10754 
Im clean and oder free and expect the same in return

By spermkiss at 29,Sep,12 23:03 other posts of spermkiss 
As long as the guy was not too ripe, the pheromones in musky man scent drive me wild. A guy has a nice tangy taste, too, when it's been a few hours since his last shower.

Freshly washed is OK, too, as long as the scent of soap is not too strong. The bottom line is that I like to suck cocks.
By #27633 at 29,Sep,12 23:12
Im the same a musky man scent turns me on too ... as long as it doesnt get to the extent of just stink!

Adult Discussion Forum