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I want PIE!

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Started by #303133 at 04,Oct,12 02:22
Apple would be best, but I wouldn't say no to a slice of blueberry or lemon.

That is all.

New Comment

By leopoldij at 16,Feb,20 16:29 other posts of leopoldij 
Cream pie.

By #23212 at 06,Oct,12 07:06
Raisin pie--a delicious Canadian pie, if made well.
By bella! at 06,Oct,12 11:02 other posts of bella! 
I have never heard of raisin pie, what is it? In November, for our traditional Thanksgiving, my mother would serve mincemeat pie, my father's favorite. Pfff....minceMEAT, yuck! Who wants that? Didn't try that pie for many years however when I did, I realized that it was delicious! I wonder if your raisin pie and my mincemeat pie are similar?
By #23212 at 11,Oct,12 05:09
IMHO well made raisin pie and mincemeat pie are often quite similar.

By bella! at 04,Oct,12 02:37 other posts of bella! 
Lemon meringue is the BEST!
By #284666 at 04,Oct,12 02:41
I make a beautiful lemon meringue.
By bella! at 04,Oct,12 11:51 other posts of bella! 
I'm on my way. I'll make a right hand turn when I leave Michigan, then how many miles?

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