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Photoshots Outside

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Started by ero2715 at 16,Feb,09 08:13  other posts of ero2715
Any guys taken phot's of yourself naked with hard on outside.I would love to do it but just cannot find the right place. I did once take pics of myself naked on a hotel balcolny but was feared some one might see me

New Comment

By toohey at 12,Jan,19 07:44 other posts of toohey 
I already wrote a little blog post about it. I'm fortunate to have a very nice woodland park at biking distance. When the weather warm enough I go there, and take my camera and tripod with me. It's fun to select a nice location. Here's one with a nice background view of a small wooden bridge across the water:

But you can of course also just go out on the balcony:

There is always a chance that people see you. This may startle you. Therefore it is important to prepare. Imagine the situation beforehand. Visualize it in detail so that you can get a good sense of what it will feel like. Relish the excitement and affirm your resolve to experience it. A few practical tips: make sure you look your best, including a good solid erection, and leave your clothes out of your immediate reach, so you won't be tempted to grab them when someone arrives.
By kebmo at 24,Aug,19 17:02 other posts of kebmo 
I just had a tour through your profile. Your photos are amazing!!
By toohey at 24,Aug,19 17:25 other posts of toohey 
Thank you! I love doing them, and it makes me happy that you are enjoying them.
By kebmo at 24,Aug,19 17:44 other posts of kebmo 
I especially like the ones where you photoshop yourself into the same photo multiple times.
I would love to watch you jerking off outside! You'd have to forgive me if I started jerking off with you.
By toohey at 24,Aug,19 19:27 other posts of toohey 
Jerking off for an 'audience' is always exciting and fun. I wish there were more opportunities for it. Of course it's perfectly alright to jerk along
By kebmo at 24,Aug,19 19:36 other posts of kebmo 
I LOVE jerking off while someone watches. Almost every time one of my guy friends visits I jerk off for them. I also love to watch them jerk off too.
I know it says you're straight but if you were jerking off and I "accidently" tripped and fell in front of you with my mouth opened please carry on.

By Nottsplaymate at 24,Aug,19 17:28 other posts of Nottsplaymate 
There is a great place near me , you'll have to cum wank walking

By kebmo at 24,Aug,19 17:24 other posts of kebmo 
Although I didn't take any photos (because it was before I owned a smart phone) I had an amazing outdoor experience in the middle of the city of Edmonton. I was too scared to get hard but it sure was fun! This is my blog story about my adventures that night. /blogs/15565.html

By spermkiss at 24,Aug,19 15:26 other posts of spermkiss 
The risk of being seen is a major part of the appeal of an outdoor shoot.

By like2jack at 24,Aug,19 14:31 other posts of like2jack 
By #583549 at 24,Aug,19 15:03
A nice natural setting for being nude!

By toohey at 24,Aug,19 12:51 other posts of toohey 
If you live in a city, as I do, you can use the park:

By #583549 at 24,Aug,19 14:02
Nice photo! Did anyone see you? --------------------------------------- added after 57 minutesI understand! I have been seen a couple of times while hiking nude in the woods but from some distance away.I make sure I am deep enough in the woods before I strip bare.
By toohey at 24,Aug,19 14:22 other posts of toohey 
No one saw me at this occasion. This is actually a good thing. People in this thread write about the excitement of being seen, and I totally understand , but the reality is that you get into trouble quickly. Say some children arrive around the corner, followed by their parents. Say park rangers on their patrol see you. Say a group of angry muslim immigrant teenagers surrounds you. In all these cases you will be one unhappy camper...

By Yando at 23,Aug,19 23:51 other posts of Yando 

By Yando at 23,Aug,19 23:51 other posts of Yando 

By Yando at 23,Aug,19 23:50 other posts of Yando 

By spermkiss at 13,Aug,19 22:59 other posts of spermkiss 
Getting caught is part of the fun.

By #583549 at 13,Aug,19 22:16
I alway hike nude on the local mountain trails by my home.I have been seen a couple of times but no one has ever said anything to me about it.If my gf comes along she takes the photos or if I go by my self I bring a camera tripod.Lots of nude outdoors photos on my page.

By #545468 at 12,Jan,19 03:58
I live on a farm that is very nude friendly and I take full advantage of it. So yes I have many pictures of me nude and many pics of me nude and hard

By #195154 at 07,Jan,12 17:07
Tell you what Ero, why don't you just pop round to the parkland behind this place. I so love your cock, both here and on NBN. Great pics, too - have cum to them many times.

By #201155 at 24,Oct,11 07:53
I masturbate outside as often as I can – and I have done it in some beautiful parts of the country. Taking pics on your own as well is just that little bit too difficult, though. Still, one day...

By #95006 at 29,Aug,10 03:00
I like being naked outside, but have just started taking pictures. I like to go out in the woods and camp, so I plan to try to get more before winter. Here are a couple, There are more on my page

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By soulpioneer at 26,Aug,10 20:21 other posts of soulpioneer 
get out a little if u can, any remote areas, or woods, meadows you know of. Nothing like nice pics on a warm sunny day. My outdoor shots were taken right outside my home, family was away...and just felt right. I just peeped around to make sure if no neighbors were out and about, and went about my business. There is a slight rush, because of being 'exposed' in broad daylight, which enhances the experience!

By #67893 at 01,Jun,10 10:09
I jerk off outside every morning
By #33070 at 09,Jun,10 01:48
Where do you live? Out at a acreage?

By hipster at 08,Jun,10 20:39 other posts of hipster 
Love to be naked outdoors, have pics on my page...

By #43783 at 05,Jun,10 11:21
[deleted image]
I love to be naked outside and the thought that by living in a highly populated area and being caught just adds to the excitement
By #6568 at 05,Jun,10 20:00

By #29566 at 04,Jun,10 16:13
Check out "Kurtis" on the site, he has a great looking dick and takes most of his photos outside in sunshine, something I am jealous of,living in Scotland the weather does not allow very often.
By #59609 at 04,Jun,10 16:46
how long do you need to take a pic?
By #6568 at 05,Jun,10 10:12
Well you need a couple of miniutes and that can be difficult in Scotland!

By #7976 at 16,Mar,09 00:27
You need to get to an out of the way place and be bold. Get naked or unzip and take your picture. There are countless places to make pictures outdoors without disturbing any, or at least too many, people. If that is what you want to do, just do it.
By #9620 at 19,Mar,09 11:03
I do - and I will!
By #7976 at 22,Mar,09 00:29
Great attitude.

By #217 at 14,Mar,09 10:39
have a look at my pics on the beach,its a real turn on to do it outdoors
By ero2715 at 19,Mar,09 10:40 other posts of ero2715 
Looked at your pics very sexy I like

By #7382 at 16,Feb,09 15:40
i do it all of the time,you just have to be careful....
By ero2715 at 16,Feb,09 22:00 other posts of ero2715 
I should amagine very careful

By #348 at 16,Feb,09 12:30
the fear of getting caught is making it more kinky...
By ero2715 at 16,Feb,09 21:59 other posts of ero2715 
Yes I agree with you too

By #3131 at 16,Feb,09 11:29
Maybe you should tell us in advance, in which hotel you stay, so all SYD/SYC-Members can flood the hotel across the street. ;-)

There are so many outside places that would go. In a forest or on a field (Justnature's pics are good examples). Or maybe you know an abandoned building, possibly an historical one.
In all that places you could take some hot pictures of yourself. And maybe you should have your partner or a good friend with you - that makes it much easier than with the cam in delayed-shutter-mode on a tripod...


By ero2715 at 16,Feb,09 21:59 other posts of ero2715 
I agree it is better to go with some one else, but it is a matter of finding right guy at the right time

By #7903 at 16,Feb,09 09:57
u can try it when nobody is around...i like to masturbate at the stairs of my flat.
By ero2715 at 16,Feb,09 21:58 other posts of ero2715 
I would love to try that

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