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Women generally don't comment on pictures

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Started by #275272 at 18,Oct,12 06:23
This is not a criticism just a question. You seem to find women are mainly on the site to just look, men seem to comment and chat.

Similar topics: 1.What Women Expect From Men ? Ladies Only (no men)   2.Bi Women commenting on pictures   3.Men vs Women: A Psycho-sexual Observation   4.Negative comments.   5.Swapping Picutres and comment.  

New Comment

By #218130 at 18,Oct,12 06:59
I do get the occasional sincere compliment/comment and are truly appreciated by me. Don't ask them to rate or comment on your manhood. A definite no-no, they don't like it. It's not just about the dick but who it's attached to I think
By bella! at 18,Oct,12 07:08 other posts of bella! 
You "get it" dreamer, in my opinion, you're spot on.
By #218130 at 18,Oct,12 10:26
You mentioned that a few times yourself in some older posts, which you explained so well. Love reading all your input, advice and comments. You rock Bella

By #218130 at 18,Oct,12 10:26
Apologies for my duplicated comments sometimes, just the old blackberry acting up on me again

By #275302 at 18,Oct,12 11:35
Spot-on indeed
By #218130 at 18,Oct,12 11:40
Hellooo gorgeouslong time no see

By #283093 at 18,Oct,12 18:17
I agree with all of the above, Dreamer! You "get it"
By #218130 at 18,Oct,12 21:09

By dickisgreat at 20,Oct,12 03:32 other posts of dickisgreat 
I've always wondered about this (dreamer saying "It's not just about the dick but who it's attached to") I completely believe you, but is this really not changing at all?

I always figured the attitudes towards sex and porn came at least partly from the traditional roles women were confined in. And as the roles changed some women would be having attitudes more like men.

Because otherwise it would mean that women are biologically programmed to focus more on the whole person than just the piece of meat.

And that's not much different from saying all women are programmed to be caring nurturers whose job it is to stay home and have kids, which of course is ridiculous.

By #269270 at 19,Oct,12 03:54
I do comment but when I want to not when Im asked to
By #294594 at 19,Oct,12 04:58
same here. its highly annoying to get those messages. at first, for a very short while, i would try and write something to help them out. now i just might browse whomever asked, or completely ignore their messages altogether. its such a bother--complements should come naturally, not out of [for lack of a better word] pity.

By #300891 at 18,Oct,12 09:35
for the 100,000 time,95% of the women on this site are fakes.
By #291618 at 18,Oct,12 19:47
sure they are its fun and sad

By #6568 at 18,Oct,12 06:32
Generally speaking, that's true, although I do regularly get comments from women and it was thru a woman that I first discovered this site. She came/comes here to "have a crafty oogle and a quick diddle"....which says it all really!

Women are just as interested and aroused by male bodies and sex organs as are men by women, it's just that most women are brought up to be much more circumspect about sexual matters than men are, and are thus vastly more private and discrete.

The only other big difference it that women know they can't form a relationship with just a penis,...whereas, quite a lot of men seem to think they CAN form a relationship with a nice pair of tits.......

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