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show ur asshole

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Started by #239916 at 26,Oct,12 11:59

Similar topics: 1.Show Your Asshole!   2.Show your asshole.   3.► Licking asshole   4.Show your asshole   5.pussy-asshole combo  

New Comment

By #269409 at 06,Nov,12 11:59

By #191537 at 27,Oct,12 07:14
The last four comments are absolute prime examples of comments that have absolutely nothing to do with the question asked. This is also another reason why topics started by deleted members should be removed from the forum so as to give new members a chance to start their own topics without overwhelming the amount of repeat topics in the forum. It will also mean that existing members may choose to repost their pics on an appropriate topic so as to show their pix again. So many topics full of deleted member comments that are now completely irrelevent. So if you don't want to show your ass hole on this topic, just move on. Some of us here do like to see ass holes. Have a nice day all x
By bella! at 27,Oct,12 08:09 other posts of bella! 
Really? My comment(s) have everything to do with the topic posted. It is redundant and repetitive to have multiple threads open about "your" asshole, "your" cock, "your" pussy or "your" tits. Page 1 of 5 shows the assholes of Routemaster, vita, maki and 1705....they're still active members. And how was roberto22's own post of the pic entitled....."hard as a rock" relevant to his asshole or the topic?
By #218130 at 27,Oct,12 08:15
But I also agree on this

By #191537 at 27,Oct,12 08:52
May be it is redundant and repetitive this is why deleted member topics asking to see there deleted cock should be deleted and thus clear some of the repetition. As has been pointed out by other members this is a 'porn' site so expect people to ask members to look at their 'whatever'. I get tired of reading redundant and repetitive comments from members moaning about redundant and repetitive comments, but I am here for my own personal fun so I take no notice of it all. I just made a couple of suggestions which could eliminate some of the repetitiveness but keep the forum alive for all members.

Maybe Roberto22 posted an incorrect link by mistake. We can all make mistakes.
By bella! at 27,Oct,12 09:17 other posts of bella! 
The more recent thread about assholes was opened on 25, April, 2012 by member 183032, alty92 and he's still an active member. However a thread that was opened 3 days ago seeking comments on her meaty pussy, well......[deleted member]

By #218130 at 27,Oct,12 08:13
Noted, no disrespect was intended on my part,as I was referring to myself. Please accept my apology. I'll be moving on then

By #303133 at 27,Oct,12 17:43
Interesting statement considering that YOUR comment has absolutely nothing to do with the question asked! (And...just to be EXTRA nit-picky...there was no question asked. It was a statement "show ur asshole" NOT "show ur asshole?").

Also, the comments you point out WERE in response to the topic. One asked why the topic was repeated, one said that he did not want to post a bunghole pic, and the others commented on the fact that the link was to a DICK pic, not an ASSHOLE. You then go off the rails even more by bringing up deleted member's posts and topics. (The fact that a member has been deleted, btw, does not mean that their comments are now irrelevant. Some very insightful SYD members are just no longer active.) Kettle. Just pointing out the irony...
By #191537 at 27,Oct,12 18:28
As long as deleted members topics are not deleted, then repetitive topics will continue and so they should. If a member wants people to look at their pics that is their right to and once a member deletes then the topic goes with them to clear space on the forum. The comments WERE NOT in response to the topic. They were just moans and groans about starting another repeat topic and somebody not wanting to post a pic and agreed someone saying it was a dick and not an ass. I couldnt care less I just find myself constantly chuckling when a certain few members keep pointing out the same few errors of peoples ways, like they sit there waiting for someone to post a repeat topic just so they can have another slanging match.
By bella! at 27,Oct,12 19:22 other posts of bella! 
My comments WERE in response to the topic however your comments WERE NOT as you were busy slanging at a few members yourself ( me and dreamer ). Ha! If I didn't know any better, it seemed like a bit of moanin' and groanin' on your part! Also your reference to deleting a topic when the member deletes is a moot point. I attached the thread, look, satisfy yourself, the member posting the thread in April is still active as was the topic. The last thing I want to mention, your statement, "I couldn't care less".....I find that grammatically confusing as it is a double negative AND that suggests that you do care. Seriously, thank YOU for the chuckle.
By bella! at 27,Oct,12 20:05 other posts of bella! 
I just received a message from a really, really and I mean REALLY intelligent member that gently pointed out how I erred with reference to the double negative. Thank you for bringing my flawed logic to my attention. Okay, my logic was wrong but I am still owning the chuckle!

By #218130 at 27,Oct,12 03:03
Wow! What a beautiful asshole So thick, long and rock hard. Never seen one of those before

By #218130 at 27,Oct,12 03:03
I'll pass on this one thanks. I find it a bit uncomfortable standing on all fours, with my ass in the air, spreading them cheeks to reveal my hairy little anus. Gross

By bella! at 27,Oct,12 01:01 other posts of bella! 
Excuse me, uhh, excuse me's obvious that you don't know the difference between your asshole and your dick either!

By bella! at 27,Oct,12 00:58 other posts of bella! 
I'm curious, why is there a need to start a new thread about assholes? Do you feel that YOUR asshole is special or more important than the 208 responses made previously on the subject of assholes?


By mywusch at 26,Oct,12 16:15 other posts of mywusch 
Photo of Man's Ass from mywusch

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