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► Licking asshole

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Started by #152413 at 09,Apr,12 12:33
Who also loves when someone licks another guy's asshole?
I just love watching it, I would lick someone's asshole all night long. Do you love it too?

Similar topics: 1.Rimming: Giving and Receiving   2.Licking asshole   3.Licking Assholes, man or woman.   4.Ass licking   5.Should I or shouldn't I?  

New Comment

By abhisig at 13,Sep,23 07:33 other posts of abhisig 
i like to lick asshole but it should be nice cleaned.

By Cody8789 at 13,Sep,23 04:47 other posts of Cody8789 
Not my cup of tea

By #655976 at 06,Aug,22 10:38
That my specialty, eating strangers asshole in public restrooms m check my pig videos
By qcyngcpl at 10,Sep,23 02:59 other posts of qcyngcpl 

Please, lick my ass
By knewbi at 13,Sep,23 02:51 other posts of knewbi 
Oh hell yeah. That could use a good tongue fucking followed up with a good plow job.

By leopoldij at 10,Sep,23 18:30 other posts of leopoldij 
How do you know if these assess are clean enough? Most likely they're not. Only after a good bath you can make sure of cleanliness. Otherwise, you may be touching fecal matter with your tongue. Have you thought of that?

By #651230 at 06,Aug,22 09:58
I love having my asshole tongue fucked so it's only fair to return the pleasure I must have tongue fucked at least 50 women's assholes only one bloke though but if it's clean I'm straight in there

By #516354 at 14,Sep,20 09:50
My ex wife/Mistress and I used to cam on Alt and she would invite a Master or Mistress to our house every now and than.One of the Masters loved having His ass licked and taught me how to lick ass.I quite enjoyed doing it and He then got me to lick my ex wife's and She loved it.After that She would often get me to lick Her ass and finger Her pussy at the same time.

By #607259 at 11,Sep,20 01:37
As long as it’s freshly clean! No ****, not nasty sweaty crack!

By LGA6969 at 10,Sep,20 23:09 other posts of LGA6969 
I love a good bung hole

By #623140 at 09,Sep,20 14:51
I would love to finally have someone eat my asshole then fuck me hard.
[deleted image]
By Ablaze at 10,Sep,20 09:41 other posts of Ablaze 
To be licked gently and then fucked raw is fucking awesome!

By routemaster at 24,Nov,16 22:20 other posts of routemaster 

I LOVE having my asshole licked and licking my friend John's HOT asshole too

By routemaster at 30,Jul,16 03:05 other posts of routemaster 

I LOVE licking my HOT HORNY SEXY friend John's SPECTACULAR ASSHOLE, he's back to stay with me for 10 days from 5th August 2016 and I'm counting the seconds now!!!

By #503128 at 29,Feb,16 00:43
I love licking asses and having my ass licked
By routemaster at 29,Feb,16 01:43 other posts of routemaster 
I LOVE gay ass licking, both giving and receiving:

By #503815 at 26,Feb,16 11:19
I love to give and receive both men and women

By #331948 at 20,Feb,16 23:41
I'm all in.

By leopoldij at 20,Feb,16 13:50 other posts of leopoldij 
I do. When a woman does it.

By routemaster at 20,Feb,16 04:43 other posts of routemaster 

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John LOVES his HOT ASSHOLE being LICKED and last Christmas I was only TOO HAPPY to oblige, over and over again. I also LOVE seeing MEN's ASSHOLES being LICKED in gay porn films too

By #225030 at 25,Oct,13 05:50
lick it good

[deleted image]
By routemaster at 19,Jun,14 05:48 other posts of routemaster 

By cumn4u at 19,Jun,14 01:51 other posts of cumn4u 
Photo of Man's Ass from cumn4u
By routemaster at 19,Jun,14 05:48 other posts of routemaster 

By routemaster at 19,Jun,14 05:47 other posts of routemaster 

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By #413639 at 09,Oct,13 14:19
[deleted image]
By bigone21 at 09,Oct,13 16:34 other posts of bigone21 
i'd love to rim that "straight ass"! and fuck it too!

By #378715 at 08,Aug,13 23:09
I have licked a good many women's assholes. I love the smell of the shit hole...not into licking any shit though.
I don't lick my wife's ass anymore but since I started sucking cock about 10 years ago I've gotten into licking guys that I'm sucking off. Some more than others. My favorite is when I'm sucking some black cock. THe whole humiliation thing of 'white man sucking black man's cock and cleaning his asshole' turns me on a lot!!
By #23212 at 08,Aug,13 23:19
How is it "humiliating" to be sucking and licking someone's parts, who simply has darker pigment in the outer layer of his skin?

By #6437 at 06,Aug,13 10:33
MMMMMMMM YES!!! I love to tounge fuck a mans asshole and then stick my finger up his asshole as i am sucking his cock for the hot load of cock cum to swallow

By #417938 at 03,Aug,13 06:54

By bigone21 at 05,Mar,13 00:23 other posts of bigone21 
Hey Hornybrat! Cool down!! So you are not into ass-licking for all the valid and un-valid reasons you can think of! Because you think so... Because you say so... Because you SHOUT so!

OK!! Cool!!

You, an opinion, shouting it out, great when it all comes together!

Calling me: "Bigone21, once again, reveals his ignorance and stupidity, not to mention absolute dangerousness and sexual untrustworthiness by comparing rotten apples to rotten oranges to rotten tomatoes".

Sure... At 49, I never had the diseases you almost died from 34 years ago! And I do A LOT of asslicking! BTW, what did YOU do to get Hep. A?? Maybe you should have washed your hands more!

People, get vaccination against Hep. A & B! And play safe (rubbers/gloves) not to get infected wit HIV and Hep. C.

The internet is full with information how to have sex and stay healthy! Read it and enjoy your sexlife! Have fun 4 ALL!!
By #326485 at 04,Jul,13 03:52
Unfortunately the science says that unprotected oral-anal sex is dangerous for you and possibly for your partner especially if she is a woman. I consider myself lucky that I have been spared Hep. The internet is also full of misinformation about almost any topic you care to look up. i had a gay guy working for me back in the early 80's and he would not put his mouth or tongue on an anus. "Get Hep"
By bigone21 at 04,Jul,13 18:04 other posts of bigone21 
"unprotected oral-anal sex is dangerous for you and possibly for your partner especially if she is a woman"

say what?? women pick up a virus more than men?

Unfortunately the science says / The internet is also full of misinformation / i had a gay guy working for me back in the early 80's...

so it's everyones OWN responsebilaty to find out how to play safe! just DO that!
By #326485 at 05,Jul,13 00:55
Women can pick up several diseases in their urinary tracts that will never affect a man because of the relative lengths of their urethras. The Vagina is also a very hospitable environment for bacteria. You have shown your ignorance of anatomy and possible invaders.

How can you rely on a reference that is by it's nature anonymous and therefore not accountable for the voracity of it's information.
By bigone21 at 05,Jul,13 20:48 other posts of bigone21 
@ pac1496:

I still don't see where the vagina comes in when having oral/anal sex... Must be my ignorance...
By #303133 at 06,Jul,13 02:02 one could possibly wish to have oral sex if there is a vagina involved?
Honestly, it DOES happen. Many men and women use their mouth parts on the cooter region of a woman. It is called "cunnilingus". Seriously! I would never lie to you...
By bigone21 at 06,Jul,13 15:53 other posts of bigone21 
haha, very funny!

pac1496 debated: "Unfortunately the science says that unprotected oral-anal sex is dangerous for you and possibly for your partner especially if she is a woman".

so what i meant with my question was: where does the vagina come in the picture when you lick ass?

maybe when you switch from ass to vagina? if that is "dangerous" (pack1496's words), don't switch!! make a choise between one of them!

but don't blame the ass when the vagina is the problem! haha!

By bella! at 04,Jul,13 04:54 other posts of bella! 
I'm not sure about assholes getting licked but I am quite certain there's a lot of ass kissing and gift giving going on to climb the "most friends" ladder on SYD.
By #360973 at 04,Jul,13 18:30
It's not working too well for you, is it bella!?! I can think of several reasons why, but comments like this one of yours highlight it well enough. Apologies to everyone I added back and gave a smile to, it was abhorent behaviour on my behalf
--------------------------------------- added after 9 hours

...and apologies to all of my good friends, it appears that we are not able to gift each other anymore - apparently one of the most excessive gifters on the site doesn't like it
By #358797 at 05,Jul,13 05:33
Well, **** on that! I suddenly have the urge to gift you a kiss.

By bigone21 at 09,Apr,12 15:39 other posts of bigone21 
a douched and washed clean asshole, preferably shaved, is what gets me hot!! i kiss it, i lick it, gets me hard to fuck it!!

also is the most intimate thing for me!

and getting my own ass rimmed is heaven for me!!
By #4222 at 03,Jul,13 22:56
I have a feeling that a lot of ass licking fans just do it on the spur of the moment. As the owner of an ass, there's absolutely no way I would ever let someone near it unless I had a very intimate cleaning session in advance. Between tropical sweats and salads--well you get the gist. I do know how sensitive the opening is and I find it highly arousing, just have not had a tongue there. So I bet it feels really good.
By bigone21 at 03,Jul,13 23:19 other posts of bigone21 
as a gay guy, having gay sex with other experienced gay and bi guys, let me tell you how this works.

we douche our assholes until there are NO MORE feaces up there, and than we wash it. sure we want to be clean!

and then it's playtime: licking, fucking and maybe even fisting.

we don't want to smell, lick or eat tropical sweats and salads! we take our precautions!

(did you ever see something dirty in a recent gay-movie? right, that's how it's done)
--------------------------------------- added after 18 hours

I forgot to mention the use of condoms and gloves...

That's in my system, I don't even think about it, just do it!
By #326485 at 04,Jul,13 03:54
What is the disease rate among porn actors that have real sex, not the R rated stuff that has no real penetration?
By #23212 at 04,Jul,13 04:32
Would the car accident rate among stunt car drivers give you information to change your personal driving habits on city streets?

By #4222 at 04,Jul,13 12:47
ah-ha! Lots of prep then. I think that's doable. The way people talk about it on the net it is just "take your pants down sir" and rim away. I thought that might be a bit unrealistic. Thanks for the reply.
By bigone21 at 04,Jul,13 18:19 other posts of bigone21 
yes! preperations first! i don't want to have a "shit-eating grin"!!

By #220845 at 09,Apr,12 15:43
Smooth shaved assess fresh from the shower love having mine licked
By #392664 at 03,Jul,13 03:38
[deleted image]
By bigone21 at 03,Jul,13 22:31 other posts of bigone21 
that's an asshole i would like to lick silly!! and then fuck!! beautiful!!

By cumjohn at 05,Mar,13 16:26 other posts of cumjohn 
I lick assholes, no matter if they are clean or dirty, i just love to lick them

By #131063 at 27,Jan,13 17:00
I must be defective, according to the masses of insensitive and medically misinformed people, because I too find it abhorrent. I cannot imagine doing it, nor does it being done to me (experienced in the thankfully dim past) hold any pleasure. When the possible consequences go through the mind of a man with a conscience, how can any pleasure be derived from such a blatantly dangerous practice? Stupid people who say 'if you clean back there...' are nuts. It's not the matter than can be seen and washed off with soap, it's the invisible pathogens that mere soap has little or no effect on. What do they consider an effective cleaning agent? Bleach, perhaps? Because that is about what it would take to effectively kill any germs! The worst you can get is a stomach ache, she guesses? NO. You can get HEPATITIS A! (Do I need to explain how I know? I recovered, and 34 years later I no longer have any lasting consequences and am not infectious but I was very, very lucky to be diagnosed after 3 weeks before I would have likely died a week later.) From a sexually responsible aspect, there is NO such thing as a clean asshole. Bigone21, once again, reveals his ignorance and stupidity, not to mention absolute dangerousness and sexual untrustworthiness by comparing rotten apples to rotten oranges to rotten tomatoes.

To teenboy18: This site is probably the worst a young man with the rest of his life ahead of him could possibly be on to ask for serious advice or opinions, only because the lurid and misleading comments will always outnumber the few that have their fellow man's interests at heart. Your post reveals you have already been brainwashed and duped, so you're likely lost anyway. Don't be surprised when your young life takes an abrupt left turn into a tragic dead end...and then you'll say "...but everyone told me it was safe. I mean, he said he washed and douched". The really sad part is, nobody here will miss or even remember you. Poor silly misguided boy...everyone, have I mentioned that all my pro-anal, pro-promiscuity, "looks-clean, must-be-clean" friends that ridiculed my responsible-sex advice and personal practices (I'll be 55 on the 31st) are all now DEAD? Yes, I have. Tell me if I'm correct, teenboy18, you come from a single mother household and never had a strong, intelligent, mature, moral male role model in your life that took the time to kick some sense into your ass? Bingo! If you do instead have a loving mother and father, I wonder...why don't you ask them the question you asked here - see if they too sing praises to the sewer-pipe? Good Lord!

Thank God the voices of reason like John and I aren't intimidated from speaking our minds, especially in the face of such uncompassionate purveyors of bad advice. We'll both outlive many of you. And we'll still enjoy quite satisfying sex lives, far away from the sewer...and the trail of bodies you've left floating therein.

I rarely post anymore, but if I do, it's because I have something valuable to say. Ridicule me if you must, but guaranteed, I'll have the last laugh, and cry a few tears for the sick and dead as well.
By #303133 at 30,Jan,13 20:02
Jeez, you are a bit of a tool, aren't you?

You could have gone with: "This is a very unsafe and unhygienic practice, which can lead to the spread of disease. It is not something that a person who wishes to remain healthy should do."...which would have made your point in a satisfactory fashion.
Instead, you go on a venomous and insulting rant, which totally obscures any value in the advice you give. What every young gay guy needs is one more person to treat him like an idiot and make him feel like trash. Nice work!
Your demonstration of psychic power is way cool, but did you really have to insult his Daddy?
Do you recommend that everyone share the intimate, personal details of their sex-life with family members? ("Hey, Mom, Tommy really cums buckets if I lick his balls before I blow him! Would you please pass the pork chops?")

You are very rude and self-aggrandizing. If this is the way you talk in "real life", I suspect that some of your friends may have just faked their order to avoid visits from you. I agree with your first statement: you must be defective...
By #50778 at 30,Jan,13 21:23

By bigone21 at 04,Mar,13 23:47 other posts of bigone21 
Hey man! Cool down!! So you are not into ass-licking for all the valid and un-valid reasons you can think of! Because you think so... Because you say so... Because you SHOUT so!

OK!! Cool!!

You, an opinion, shouting it out, great when it all comes together!

Calling me: "Bigone21, once again, reveals his ignorance and stupidity, not to mention absolute dangerousness and sexual untrustworthiness by comparing rotten apples to rotten oranges to rotten tomatoes".

Sure... At 49, I never had the diseases you almost died from 34 years ago! And I do A LOT of asslicking! BTW, what did YOU do to get Hep. A?? Maybe you should have washed your hands more!

People, get vaccination against Hep. A & B! And play safe (rubbers/gloves) not to get infected wit HIV and Hep. C.

The internet is full with information how to have sex and stay healthy! Read it and enjoy your sexlife! Have fun 4 ALL!!

By #136196 at 05,Mar,13 08:05
"Doth protest too much, methinks."
Shakespeare's Hamlet

By #146802 at 04,Mar,13 20:42
i would only if there a good tasteing pussy conected with it

By iluvcox at 31,Jan,13 01:06 other posts of iluvcox 
For some strange reason whenever I drink tequila,I have to lick my wife's asshole.
By Ray10754 at 31,Jan,13 01:11 other posts of Ray10754 
Is that in place of the lemon?
By #242452 at 31,Jan,13 04:24

By pornlover59 at 31,Jan,13 00:10 other posts of pornlover59 
love to lick and tongue assholes as well as have mine licked

By Ablaze at 27,Jan,13 19:11 other posts of Ablaze 
I love to be liked long time.

By mywusch at 27,Jan,13 15:28 other posts of mywusch 
love to be licked and finger fucked, also love to lick

By Walker at 09,Apr,12 22:11 other posts of Walker 
Well assholes are assholes and everybody has at least one. I love to get licked I also like as a matter of course. it's so intimate. I have only licked women's assholes as a lead in to sucking their cunt of as desert from fucking. But I do understand guys love ass licking.

By #68656 at 09,Apr,12 13:36
With the greatest of respect to those concerned but my comment is one word, "yuck".
Plus various diseases can be spread by doing that.
By bigone21 at 09,Apr,12 16:17 other posts of bigone21 
to JohnS: various diseases can be spread by being in the same room or shaking hands...

maybe it's wise to discriminate between the diseases one can:

1. vaccinate against, like hepatitus A & B;
2. be cured from with antibiotics;
3. not be vaccinated against and not be cured (HIV).

ass-licking (or rimming) is NOT a risk in the third category!

By #81740 at 09,Apr,12 15:45
As long as were all clean before we go for it ,I have no problem with it especially if its followed by a hard cock !

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