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A Helpful Suggestion...

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Started by #303133 at 27,Oct,12 20:53
I understand that the "rate my...whatever" threads are a way of drawing attention to yourself, but they tend to be ridiculed by other folks who post in the forum. Besides, the comments that aren't sarcastic are based on an arbitrary scale, so they don't really MEAN anything. You don't want a RATING, you just want to be NOTICED. So, why not try this:

Start a thread that says "Hi, I am [your user name here]. It would be great if you stopped by my page to say HELLO".

That makes you sound friendly and much less needy. If people DO stop by your page, make sure that you do the same for them. That's only polite!

(Regardless, I STILL reserve the right to make fun of you. That's kinda my THING.)

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New Comment

By bella! at 27,Oct,12 21:22 other posts of bella! 
Another thought, I think your subject/title is a snoozer. mr7inches did something so unconventional about 2 weeks ago, he titled his thread something like; "18 year old virgin....." Brilliant! So my point is, if you want to receive the views and proper attention this thoughtful topic should receive, consider this title instead; "What do you think of my meaty pussy and BIG tits"

Otherwise the titles for your other threads, i.e. "Would you fuck a penguin" and "I want pie" are spot on and to the point!

By bella! at 27,Oct,12 21:08 other posts of bella! 
Geez JustWill, it is a nice suggestion however what will there be for me to crack on? Members have pointed out that there are a "few people" who just like to moan and groan. Oye! hhhhhhh...... ( that is my sarcastic stab at what an audible moan and groan could sound like )

Adult Discussion Forum