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how do you make it bigger?

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Started by #187566 at 21,Aug,11 21:52
I see a lot of giant ones on this site and i would love to know their secret (food, pills, exercises, etc.). Any advice would be helpful

Similar topics: 1.Make it bigger   2.want to make my penis hole bigger   3.let's vote about "longdick" out or in??   4.Does it actually matter?   5.Looking for guys who are bigger...  

New Comment

By #64328 at 18,Jul,15 00:28
Why would I want to?

By johnp at 27,Oct,14 00:33 other posts of johnp 
It's called photo shop bro
By *kmadeau* at 17,Jul,15 23:34 other posts of *kmadeau* 

By #454258 at 17,Jul,15 03:49
that question has been asked more times troughout all of history then, "What is the meaning of life?" there is no right answer. SpikeTV's show MANsers seggested surgery. I seggest shaving around it and it will seem bigger

By #460385 at 16,Jul,15 10:25
Get a pet Camel. And let it suck it everyday.

By #485312 at 16,Jul,15 08:35
tie a brick to it *lix*

By t-rex at 26,Oct,14 21:13 other posts of t-rex 
Enjoy your size, no matter what, wanting a larger one is nice, but not going to happen, so just cum, cum , cum and have fun
By leopoldij at 12,May,15 19:40 other posts of leopoldij 
I have a small size. But I concentrate on exactly what you say: cum a lot.

By #485312 at 12,May,15 16:26
its like diet pills, they make you fatter, don't take them, you will probably get smaller *lix*

By stroker11 at 26,Oct,14 10:26 other posts of stroker11 
Stroke off daily for one year.....if no change continue for a year......if no change continue until you see results.

By #116569 at 21,Aug,11 23:48
There is no way to enlarge your cock - i hear pumping can temporarily increase the size but thats that, just enjoy what you have, if not enjoy other things in life
By spermkiss at 22,Aug,11 01:12 other posts of spermkiss 
So true. See the "Penis Enlargement Scams" article on this very site. Penis size is determined by genetics and you've got what you were born with. Short of surgery which is expensive, risky and has mixed results, there is nothing you can do to permanently enlarge your penis. For some men a penis pump can temporarily increase the size of his penis but this carries risks. And after a few hours or at most a few days the penis returns to its original size.

So learn to enjoy what you have. And by the way, yours looks just fine. 'Want a blow job?

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