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Big Black Cock

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Started by #276223 at 08,Nov,12 05:02
Is my cock hot?
What would you do to it?
Wanna take a guess at how big it is?

Similar topics: 1.Black cock   2.Small Black Cocks   3.Shortage of High Quality Pics of BBC (Beautiful Black Cock)   4.Big black cock tribute my wife   5.Black cocks turn me on can I touch someone's black cock?  

New Comment

By #221907 at 27,Jan,14 10:42
Simply put, NO black cock is hot, especially big and very large ones. The dark pigmentation of their veiny and virtually never symmetrical shafts is not an object of desire to most white people, women included, despite the large number of white women on this site who for some insane reason fantasize of having their pussy irreversibly damaged and ruined to the point of no white man ever wanting to touch it. So they are stuck with the massive cock which is the most disappointing aspect of her life due to her true desire for a compatible white mate that was given a normal penis designed for her white pussy and not a source of shame and embarrassment due to the implied knowledge that she is ruined and he belongs with a black pussy that is designed to accommodate asymmetrical and goofy looking lack of proportionality. Sorry if I offended but if everybody is just honest with themselves, it is a blatantly obvious fact.

By Chandu at 20,Jan,14 20:22 other posts of Chandu 

By bigone21 at 04,Oct,13 22:35 other posts of bigone21 
No. it's not hot and it's not big...

Let me guess: 5 1/2 inches!

I'd like to leave it alone!

By pifad at 04,Oct,13 19:26 other posts of pifad 
I love black cock and yours is right up their in my favorites category

By *kmadeau* at 04,Oct,13 15:10 other posts of *kmadeau* 
yours dick looks for me as average, but you have a big butt hole, for sure

By #358284 at 04,Oct,13 14:44
I wanna Suck You Off!!

By andrew999999999 at 04,Oct,13 14:19 other posts of andrew999999999 
I don't know, does it feel unusually warm?

By Ablaze at 08,Nov,12 21:08 other posts of Ablaze 
I don't like black cocks, no matter how they look, sorry.

Adult Discussion Forum