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Cheese Lovers Unite!

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Started by #318026 at 13,Nov,12 00:44
Brie, Limburger, Bleu, Feta, and Munster, oh your taste is so divine, but not compared to this cock cheese of mine.

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New Comment

By jayman73 at 10,Aug,15 05:40 other posts of jayman73 
So, I got excited by the title of this thread. We're talking about beer, blueberries, various food. So why not cheese, I like cheese. But I as I read further, my excitement quickly ended and the feeling of disgust and nausea began. And now I can't look at cheese the same again.

By bella! at 13,Nov,12 01:01 other posts of bella! 
Ewww........ Smegma, disgusting!
By #204766 at 10,Aug,15 02:01
Vomiting smegma is a no no
By bella! at 10,Aug,15 03:04 other posts of bella! 
The only way that I would ingest smegma would be unknowingly. If I knew after the fact that I had, I know I would be yacking it up, plain and simple!

By Ravioli_Max at 09,Aug,15 12:22 other posts of Ravioli_Max 

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