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New Brigade Rising

This is an Adult Discussion Forum of Show It Off Site
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Started by #170523 at 16,Nov,12 03:07
I may be wrong but I see the Forum pages dominated by a different group

Similar topics: 1.Jerking off & Shooting My Load of hot Cum   2.Who are you trying to fool   3.Ban that guy who said that thing that, like, hurt my feelings!   4.New Members.   5.SYD membership numbers  

New Comment

By #81191 at 21,Jul,14 22:46
Is this where angels fear to tread

By slipper at 19,Nov,12 03:24 other posts of slipper 
Seems to be the same ol' part of my anatomy that is rising!

By #68656 at 16,Nov,12 12:12
I dont know about the rising of the brigades and so forth but I have noticed in the last few weeks the rising of silly and pointless discussions.
They are usually metaphorical, illogical, pointless and have no real purpose or topic.
By Ray10754 at 16,Nov,12 12:33 other posts of Ray10754 
It is called humor! Would you rather read about all the pathetic people looking for attention wanting to know if there dick is to small of if we would concider fucking them and those that have dememnted mind's? Seeing how the majority of the poster here dont know how to have an intelagent conversation I find it rather enlightning to read them

By #170523 at 17,Nov,12 01:31
I will give you that,the choice of "brigades" was a poor one but silly and pointless discussions have been here for well over a year,if not longer.My comment was about the ebb and flow of the Forum and nothing more.
By bella! at 17,Nov,12 01:38 other posts of bella! 
Good! What ebb and flow are you talking about?
By #170523 at 17,Nov,12 01:44
The natural progression of things,change in general,all things fall out of favor and something takes it's place.
By bella! at 17,Nov,12 01:50 other posts of bella! 
Like Pitchshifter?
By #170523 at 17,Nov,12 02:00
Yes,You are very right,it is not often I come across someone who likes Pitchshifter but their early stuff was amazing as I guess you would agree but their later offerings were lacking.
By bella! at 17,Nov,12 03:16 other posts of bella! 
Thank you, thank you very much! I believe that YOU said I was "right" twice. Oh that sounded so good. ...........

By Ray10754 at 16,Nov,12 10:33 other posts of Ray10754 
And this is a problem???
By bella! at 16,Nov,12 12:41 other posts of bella! 
It shouldn't be, right?
By Ray10754 at 16,Nov,12 12:42 other posts of Ray10754 
Not at all
By #297360 at 16,Nov,12 21:52
Should we tell anyone who thinks it is a problem where they can stick their toaster ?
By bella! at 17,Nov,12 01:51 other posts of bella! 
Is the toaster going to be plugged in?

By bella! at 16,Nov,12 18:53 other posts of bella! 
To JohnS,

So in the past few weeks you have noticed an increase of silly and pointless discussions? Threads that are metaphorical, illogical, pointless that have no real purpose or topic? It is just as Ray suggests, for the humor and interaction that anyone that might have a sense of humor could be a part of. If there weren't, what you refer to as silly and pointless, then the only other topics to comment on are;

- SO horny to suck a dick
- Side view cock pics ( Seriously? Your dick is round
- White ass VS Black ass
- Amount of semen during a lifetime
- Freeze your cum
- Would anybody like to my cock? ( Like to what )

Seriously, if there weren't some fun threads initiated, the Discussion Forum would be repetitive and boring....
By Ray10754 at 16,Nov,12 19:02 other posts of Ray10754 
John and I have had our differances on other topics in the fourms in the past,witch is fine by me,makes for interesting conversation.
What interests me also about John, is that I dont ever recall any topics in the fourms that have been started by him,(although I could be wrong )Mabye he would like to post a topic that he would like discuss,something that wouldnt be (metaphorical,illogical and pointless) and be of interest to the other members here!
By Ray10754 at 16,Nov,12 21:38 other posts of Ray10754 
I stand corrected ! After looking through the arcives seeking something of interest to read, I did infact find several posts that were started by JohnS! My appoligies I guess they were topics that didnt interest me,and most were from 2010+2011 so I had no comment and moved on at the time.
By Ray10754 at 16,Nov,12 21:49 other posts of Ray10754 
This reply was supposed to be attatched to my previous statment not yours (justwill) Must have hit the wrong button! guess thats what happens when you try to be serious on here!

By #150239 at 16,Nov,12 19:27
Seems to me that we may all respond to or comment on whatever forum items are post that we care to and ignore those that do not interest us. Some items seem to me to be silly, others nasty or mean spirited, perhaps some appear to evidence ignorance, others quite profound, some come across as sincere pleas for help or as requests for practical information. Certain there are quite a few from poor souls that seem to be seeking confirmations of one sort another. I suspect many just want to participate and do so lamely or without any depth. Having said all the above, the forum is what it is and my intention is simply to enjoy those discussion I find interesting, perhaps tease a little when something strikes me as funny, off help when I can and ignore waht offend me or presents nothing of interest. I wish us all nothing but the best.
By #164428 at 16,Nov,12 20:08
Wow. Couldn't have said this better myself!
By Ray10754 at 16,Nov,12 20:50 other posts of Ray10754 
We need more people like you on here (olderguy) Thank your for your wise input

By #303133 at 16,Nov,12 03:20
Really? What group is that?
By bella! at 16,Nov,12 10:13 other posts of bella! 
Most likely it is those of us ( I know I have been ) that have be referred to as trolls. Wonder why ya gotta throw a name at us?

Adult Discussion Forum