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anal sex? painful or pleasurable?

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Started by #100257 at 27,Nov,12 07:20
i hve never done anal sex before and beigining to think abt it, for the reciever is it more painful or pleasurable? because in all the porn videos ive watched the guys scream with more pain than actually pleasure

pls comment if uve had anal, want to knw wat it feels like

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By #566722 at 08,Sep,18 23:44
It is pleasurable for both.Just use a lot of lube, let him slide in slowly.

By andrew999999999 at 23,Jul,18 20:17 other posts of andrew999999999 
It's mostly pleasurable, even if there is a little pain sometimes. The first guy to fuck me had a thick cock, but he entered me slowly, and his thrusts were slow and shallow to start with, and after a few minutes he got faster and deeper. I told him I'd never been fucked before, but I guess that he knows from experience to go slow at first. The most surprising thing for me was that I didn't feel any pain that time. He's fucked me over a dozen times since then, and I've enjoyed each one so much. The only time I feel any pain is when I'm on my back with my legs in the air, as his cock gets really deep, but it's also the most pleasure I feel too.
If you want to try anal sex, maybe try inserting a dildo or but plug to start with, get your arse used to being stretched. Or if you don't have either of those, try some household items. I used to use aerosols sometimes a while back, or hairbrush handles.

By #552392 at 23,Jul,18 16:10
I love the pain, its like pleasure to me.

By leopoldij at 23,Jul,18 10:58 other posts of leopoldij 
depends on the size of your asshole and the size of the cock entering it
By #294721 at 23,Jul,18 13:04
So true
By leopoldij at 23,Jul,18 13:07 other posts of leopoldij 
I think your cock size would hurt many women... Have you had anal a lot? What do they say?
By #294721 at 23,Jul,18 13:10
Some can take it, very few easily. Even when using lube, anal ease for example. I have to go slow even after warming then up first.

By #327529 at 22,Dec,12 20:22
this all depends...

My first experiences with anal were horrific. The guys I was with had no patience or consideration and didn't really care; they just wanted to get off. And me being 19 years old and somewhat androgynous and them being in their 30's and 40's, I was quite the catch for their desires. But it did nothing for me.
During that same time, I met another man who was also in his 40's. I went home with him and he was very patient and considerate. As he entered me and I felt discomfort, he immediately stopped and kept working with me to relax. I did and began to get turned on getting a full erection. He continued and little by little worked his cock all the way in. I couldn't believe how great it felt as I had finally relaxed completely. He jacked me off while fucking me. It only lasted about 5 minutes and as I hit my orgasm, he did too. After that experience all the guys I was with were inconsiderate. So I stopped completely and wanted nothing to do with anal; even began to think of it as a very repulsive and dirty act.
That all changed many years later as I became curious again from watching guys and women doing anal in porn. As you say, it's obvious that some guys (and girls) aren't really enjoying it and screaming with pain. These vids are uninteresting because who wants to watch anyone feeling discomfort? Some people enjoy that but I don't. However, there are many in which it is obvious that they are truly enjoying it. So after talking to guys and women about anal, I decided to go for it again. It took a while but eventually I learned how to find pleasure through anal. It took a long time; like a couple of years for me to learn to relax the sphincters enough to allow things in me...I used toys and they got bigger and bigger as I learned to get use to them. Eventually, I got together with a guy. It's a long story, but I'll just say that by this time from all the practice with the toys, I'd learned how to accept something in me. So at the time, I was so turned on by the foreplay; oral, rubbing my ass, rimming, etc that I was ready. He slid into me with one stroke and it felt amazing. Again, I didn't last long and came in about 5 minutes. It was a very intense orgasm.
This kind of play is different for everyone and it isn't for everyone. But if you're really determined and interested, it can be one of the more pleasurable experiences...
Hope this has helped and hopefully you will enjoy it....
By spermkiss at 23,Dec,12 04:01 other posts of spermkiss 
A very well written comment. A good anal penetrator will be concerned about the feelings and the pleasure of the person being penetrated. If you run into a guy is only concerned about his own pleasure, don't waste your time on him. Tell him to get lost. An unwritten rule of anal sex is that ther person being penetrated gets to control the entry. It is only after the penis is fully inside and the penetrated party is comfortable with it being there that the penetrator begins his thrusting. Again, if the other party will not abide by this, tell him to get lost.

Now, about the pleasure of being penetrated, in addition to the emotional and psychological satisfaction (and these can be enormous) of knowing a really hot guy of whom you are really fond is using your ass for his sexual pleasure, many men get real physical pleasure from the act. The reason: prostate stimulation. Many men find prostate stimulation thru anal penetration to be highly pleasurable. Some men can even reach orgasmic climax this way, with little or no stimulation to the penis.

Good luck and as ErosUrge said, I hope you enjoy it.
By #210331 at 23,Dec,12 07:15
How about when a girl does it, with a strap-on toy??

I was REALLY in love with this 'Granola Girl' that just loved how I would go down on her clean-shaven girl parts. I told her, that she could make a 'wish' of her birthday.

I didn't expect that she would want to love me with a strap-on toy!!! It wasn't at all bad, and I actually liked how she hugged me, and 'cuddled' from behind, as she very gently stroked, in and out, stimulating my prostrate, making me cum, unexpectedly.

She smiled, and thanked me, the next day, so I guess it was good for her!
By spermkiss at 24,Dec,12 19:52 other posts of spermkiss 
Man, I really admire a straight man who has the balls to take it in the ass. As you have discovered, when done right anal penetration does not hurt at all. Quite the contrary, it can feel really good and when the prostate is properly stimulated it can even lead to orgasmic climax.
By #186493 at 01,Jun,13 03:36
By my nature, I **** being labeled, or told that I am this, or that!! I don't have any 'dominance' issues with her, and I knew that she wanted me to try something that I had told her that I was unsure of, wanting to get beyond my close-minded upbringing!!

We talked a lot, but never did anything. She was the one with the courage, not 'balls',well, the toy did, but I couldn't say, hey, I like you a lot, and you are really crazy-fun, adventurous-sexy, so please fuck my ass, ok??

She didn't think that there was anything wrong, or 'strange' about it, and I think she kind of liked the idea!! The Best Birthday gift ever!!

You can be a 'straight' guy, and love having your girl play with you, or love you, with toys!! Don't be so close-minded and miss out on the JOY!!

Since then, we've had a really good relationship, and sometimes I want her to love me, and sometimes she wants me to love her.
By spermkiss at 01,Jun,13 16:15 other posts of spermkiss 
Don't sell yourself short. Maybe she was to one who had the courage to bring this subject up (and the toy had the 'balls'), but YOU had the balls to follow thru and actually do it. And even more important, you're now man enough to come right out and say that you enjoy it. You're my kinda guy.

By #186493 at 01,Jun,13 03:38
spermkiss, you are like the BEST!!! When we chatted, before, I was hung up on the 'if I do anal, I'm gay, thing' but I know I'm not, because of the things you said, and I think that you are the GREATEST for just being you, and being proud to be who you are and sharing your experience with others!!
By spermkiss at 01,Jun,13 16:21 other posts of spermkiss 
You say the nicest things. I'm just doing what I can and if the information I impart helps others that's an enormous reward.

By #4222 at 27,May,13 16:15
Sorry to hear about your inconsiderate hacks. Being a guy's first penetrative sex partner is a LOT of work to be done properly. In my rule book, the guy taking it and his pleasure is my only concern. One must be careful, attentive, observant, communicative, and put the welfare of the "hole" first. I'm glad things worked out eventually. I think your experience of a fuck-n-go guy is probably not that unusual
By spermkiss at 01,Jun,13 16:27 other posts of spermkiss 
"...., the guy taking it and his pleasure is my only concern."

Man, you are a top notch, first class, grade A fucker. Any fuckee would be honored to have you fuck him.

By #537175 at 23,Jul,18 11:23
that's a great response mate , I think my response above captures a bit of what you fully describe

By #537175 at 23,Jul,18 11:21
find a guy you trust and ask him to take things slowly ,Use plenty of lube . Yes it can be a bit painful till u get used to it , but it increases the pleasure of your orgasm as it stimulates your prostate ., However some guys just prefer to top and have oral sex , but you wont know till you try , but as I say with a guy you trust . The thickness of the guys cock can also make it a bit more difficult at the atart

By #554098 at 23,Jul,18 05:08
Porn videos, maybe like you saw, make it seem bad, as it is still something of an unaccepted sexual practice, even though a lot of heterosexual couples are doing it now!!
Anal sex should NEVER hurt!! If it hurts, you are **** it, trying too hard, and not relaxing, and not having enough lube.
I've loved it, with two different women, with different toys, and it has always been AMAZING!!

By #514663 at 20,Jul,18 23:32
Always feels incredible to me.. it makes me cum every time I'm fucked

By #556114 at 20,Jul,18 22:54
I love anal sex it is so hard to find someone to fuck my ass, I would pay for a good long, hard fuck

By bikev at 05,Jun,13 08:19 other posts of bikev 
Anal sex for me is very very pleasurable. I have lots of anal sex (protected), with different partners every weekend at my local gay sauna and never have any trouble getting the biggest of cocks in my pussy. I have been doing this for a long time now and although my pussy is well stretched I still have plenty of muscle control and make it feel like the guy is fucking a very tight hole, All you have to do is find a gentle person who will take there time with you, use plenty of lube and make sure he knows stop means stop. The more you have it the more you will like it.

By mark_99 at 27,May,13 07:40 other posts of mark_99 
it feels really good to have the head of a penis rubbing your prostate ,ive had great orgasums this way ,just take your time and enjoy,i have in the past come without hardly wanking my cock.
By #201155 at 27,May,13 15:26
I would love you to massage my prostate with your beautiful cock

By #220845 at 23,Dec,12 04:23
Wax on wax off

By #292721 at 27,Nov,12 10:01
By *kmadeau* at 27,Nov,12 11:16 other posts of *kmadeau* 
wow just I see that you are prepared to meet me now

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