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Surprised at the Married People

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Started by #244348 at 30,Nov,12 05:18
I have found out that so many Married people on this site are so comfortable cheating on their spouses.

I'm not talking about the ones who allow them to because that's a whole other matter.
I just don't see how people can be so comfortable with it, some even love the idea they are doing this.

I mean where is the respect to just tell them

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New Comment

By #59855 at 03,Dec,12 18:00
From Matt's Wife: Cheaters are scum

By #285834 at 01,Dec,12 02:29
It's something bothering you?
By *kmadeau* at 03,Dec,12 09:30 other posts of *kmadeau* 

By #303133 at 30,Nov,12 17:09
You are not taking into account that the largest percentage of what people say on this site is utter bullshit.
If common SYD belief is to be trusted (I am NOT saying that I do trust it. Well, not ALL of it):
A.95% of the "women" who post here are actually men.
B.Most of the "young" guys who post here are 15-20 years OLDER than they claim.
C.At least half of the "straight" guys are Bisexual (and half of the remaining 50% are just lying to themselves!).
D. Many of the most "popular" posted pics are photo shopped.
E. Many of the profiles are filled with internet derived/stolen pictures, and are not actual pictures of the member'
Given this large amount of untruth that occurs here, why would you assume that people who "talk" about cheating are actually doing so? Chances are, they are just bullshitting. After all...this IS the internet. The truth may be out there, but it has gone into hiding...
By admin at 30,Nov,12 17:43 other posts of admin 
Excellent post!

By #81191 at 01,Dec,12 14:05
Ticks all the boxes with many as you say lurking behind the wall of the internet.

By #7976 at 30,Nov,12 23:31
Cheating is a truly point of view sin. Some consider it cheating just to look at and adult photo in a magazine. Others think anything on this site is cheating. Yet still others, myself included, look at cheating as strictly limited to extramarital, spousally unapproved intercourse.

There are as many ways to define "cheating" as there are individuals on the planet. As for respect, I've come to terms over the years with the idea that one can be totally in love with a spouse and still have extramarital affairs without cheating, in the strictest sense of the word.

My reference, at least one of them, relates to the men and women in the military that are deployed for long periods with no chance of getting home to be with their spouses. If they find a partner that is in the same circumstance and they find friendship and comfort with each other and the relationship will never interfere with their relationship at home, then although it's technically cheating, I personally don't see the harm or foul.

Now, that's not a position held by the majority but there are a lot of men and women who practice this type of extramarital affair without being racked with remorse.

For what it's worth, I didn't hold this opinion when I was deployed in Vietnam but many did and as I've gotten more mature and wiser, I've come to see this view's worth.

So, don't be appealed at how married people live their lives. Like yourself, they have the right to their beliefs and must take the responsibility for their actions.

By #81191 at 30,Nov,12 12:58
So many reasons why while its mainly just sex with no true love. An extreme is that a woman can be killed for simply looking at a man in certain cultures.
By #244348 at 30,Nov,12 23:18
Your right about the extremities of other cultures, but the fact that one says oh it's just sex and I'm not in love does not excuse them.
By #159671 at 30,Nov,12 23:22
Some of us don't need and are not looking for excuses. I'll fuck whomever I want, whenever I can.

By #147052 at 30,Nov,12 14:57
If you want to be moralistic, go join a church.

By ali1 at 30,Nov,12 12:10 other posts of ali1 
Where does it begin to cheat, where does it end? Most of us dream of sex with other people. Many of us just consume porn, but never went wrong physically. Some are an exhibitionist, knowing that their partners won't unterstand it. I am not God. I can't condemn it. I think, everybody has to know himself, what his partnership worth is and if he hurts his partner and finally himself.

By #292721 at 30,Nov,12 10:34
By *kmadeau* at 30,Nov,12 10:58 other posts of *kmadeau* 
Yeah, it's not a problem, it's a fact only and we couldn't change it ever!!!

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