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What is straight

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Started by #327117 at 01,Dec,12 18:18
The man who has never thought about a Bi or Gay encounter...Post here .I always considered myself straight until about that many years ago.I am Bi...How the hell did I figure that out..?

Similar topics: 1.Can a Man or Woman be Truely Straight and Still Be Turned on by Someone of the Same Sex?   2.I want to fuck a straight guy   3.straight men and cocks   4.Straight,gay,bi and curious   5.Just a "straight" poll:)  

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By tecsan at 08,Jun,22 05:46 other posts of tecsan 
Keep fooling your self. Straight means opposites attract as always.

By #667453 at 05,Jun,22 18:42
Straight is the orientation that may morph into bi-curious
By #671055 at 08,Jun,22 05:33
Does it need to be "labeled"? Maybe in a certain mood, a "straight" guy might have some sensual fantasies, or see a penis, here, and get hard, and have no idea why!?
Fantasy is a wonderful thing, in that you can now see images and chat with people, but you are a thousand miles apart, and maybe it is easier to explore some latent feelings, ideas, or fantasies, online, with someone.
I think the internet, and sites like this allow people to explore, in an anonymous way, things they might be terrified to do, in person.
I think that I can come to this site, and some images of some penises make me aroused, and I don't know why, but I am not afraid of that feeling, as I don't think that there is anything wrong with being "Bi" or "Gay".
Personally, I see myself with a woman, in an intimate relationship, but with the changing times, is there something like a "boy's night" when I can just accept that I get a little turned on, by a penis? Maybe she feels something similar, liking women? But we are still heterosexual, and a couple. Some new Paradigm, maybe?

By #588373 at 31,May,19 09:21
Some cocks, but some are bent, curved et cetera.

By Ray10754 at 02,Dec,12 13:57 other posts of Ray10754 
A ruler is straight and so is a yard stick

By bella! at 02,Dec,12 13:55 other posts of bella! 
How the hell could anyone here begin to know how you figured out "that many years ago" that you were/are bi? Is this a trick question? Is there a prize?

By #6568 at 02,Dec,12 13:31
I can truthfully say that I NEVER have thought about ANY sexual event with another male until coming to this site, and I still don't....However, I would like to share another mans wife and watch him with her etc

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