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should i shave my tiny cock

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Started by #326224 at 02,Dec,12 08:28
would it be better if i shaved, would people get a better view when i Skype for them

Similar topics: 1.Shaved or not cock?   2.to people who shave   3.did you ever senn an uglier dick than this. please comment   4.A guy on snapchat   5.My cock is tiny n am proud  

New Comment

By slipper at 05,Dec,12 07:00 other posts of slipper 
CERTAINLY!!! Go for it and I look forward to your pix that way!

By spermkiss at 03,Dec,12 23:09 other posts of spermkiss 
Yes, you should shave, not just your pubes, but your whole body from the neck down. Just as every man should let his beard grow out at least once in his life, just to see what it's like, every man should shave himself completely hairless at least once in his life.

You'll probably find that you really like being hairless. I sure did. And if you do not like it, you're not doing anything permanent. It will grow back.
By #326224 at 04,Dec,12 06:39
Cool idea
By spermkiss at 04,Dec,12 18:42 other posts of spermkiss 
So do it!

By #220845 at 02,Dec,12 14:56

By CreativeOne at 02,Dec,12 14:39 other posts of CreativeOne 
"YES" .... go for it , as it truly does look and feel so much better ! Oh and after you do it ... make sure you post some new pics showing your new look as everyone here would love to see !!!

By staudacher at 02,Dec,12 13:19 other posts of staudacher 

By #265525 at 02,Dec,12 09:24
I think its hot either way but why not shave and show us those clean balls!

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