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Open Marriage, rules are open for discussion.

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Started by #301038 at 03,Dec,12 22:20
When my husband and I got together, we both were 21. He proposed on the third date and I said yes. I've been married before and been with enough men to know, that I couldn't ask a 21 year old to commit to one cunt for the rest of his life. I didn't want my husband to lie, cheat, or suffer cause he can't have what he want. I offered him to be honest about his wishes and desires if he wants to fuck another female. He said that he want's me to be there with him, to have a threesome instead.

I asked if he'd be ok with having a mmw threesome if I ever want one. Now, something you should know about my husband. He is straight, to the point of being homophobic. He is territorial and would not tolerate a naked man in the same bed with him. So he suggested a compromise. I can do whatever I want, as long as he is not involved.

After being married for a while and being apart for many months at a time, I found that compromise very useful. But after we were reunited, I found the idea of having sex with other men not as attractive, even repelling I must say. I still would engage in a threesome with a female if I can find one that my husband and I would be attracted to, even maybe do a couple swap... but single men on their own lost their spell over me. It feels like, as long as I have my husband fucking me, I don't even look at other men. And he didn't express any desire to fuck a female on his own. We moved to a small town, where everybody knows each other and there isn't much fine ass around. So it doesn't feel like an open marriage anymore.

Before the move, we lived in a military town with plenty of lonely married people with their spouses gone a year at a time. It was easy to find someone, who is married, but is alone at the moment, to console each other from an unbearable loneliness. To me, and I can't stress enough, but it's just my opinion, people who have their spouse at home with them, and still looking for some ass on the side, lying to their spouse, making up some stupid excuse to sneak out of the house for two hours to get laid, are just not right and off limits to me. If a men thinks it's ok to lie to his wife of many years, it's ok to lie to me, a girl he just met. It's the necessity to lie in order to get what a men wants, that is so wrong to me. I believe that you can have great sex at home, you picked your spouse and it's been up to you two to figure out how to have some kink between the sheets.

I'm curious about what ya'll forum folk thinks about it?
What rules do you have in your open relationship?
What are your no-no's? Have you ever had a bad experience?

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By #7976 at 03,Dec,12 22:51
My first wife and I experimented with swinging and had some really great times. The only rule we set was that neither of us was left out of the fun. When we were with a couple, we would sometimes have same room sex while at others we swapped partners and went to separate rooms. Either way, neither of us was left out and I will say that I did enjoy seeing my wife cu with another man; it would make me come for my partner just hearing her have an orgasm.

We tried threesomes with a guy and with a woman and those were equally erotic as well. In the end, she started fucking a lot of guys outside our marriage and that was too much and pretty much ended our marriage.

So, if I have any advice, it would be to keep things open and ensure that both of you are on an equal playing field. That seems to be a good way for marital bliss since both of you will be satisfied with every meeting.

As for your hubby in a MMF threesome, invite him to watch and jerk off. If he becomes comfortable with that, he may sometime want to join in the fun and fuck you doggy style while your third has you sucking him or vise verse.

Either way, make it fun and enjoyable.

By #301038 at 04,Dec,12 00:05
Thank you for sharing. I like your rules, it's pretty good. Out of all experiences, the favorite still is a simple wwm, so beautiful and erotic. It's important to keep everyone busy.

I found that my husband is better than any men I ever been with. He is the most loving, passionate, stimulating man I ever been with. He is the one, who makes me happy, who lets me be me and love him the way I like it....everything, except for any kind of anal attention to his precious buttocks. Perhaps, I can live with that.

Idea of seeing me being fucked is appealing to him, but thanks for the advice.
By #7976 at 04,Dec,12 23:41
It sounds like you've got a great relationship and a partner you're sexually compatible with. You can't ask for anything better than that. It would be a pleasure to chat with you sometime. Look me up when your online. Ciao.

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