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Do you get the runs after eating a lot of cum?

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Started by #332336 at 17,Dec,12 18:57
On a few occasions I've eat 2 or more loads of cum within a few hours, and it will usually blow me out about 2 hours after. I mean roaring shits, like taking a big dose of exlax. One time usually and then it's over. Does anyone else have this effect from eating a bunch of cum?

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New Comment

By #147052 at 26,Mar,13 15:04
Only the first time I did it. Nerves? Who knows.

By #274357 at 17,Dec,12 22:57
Are you kidding me right now???!!!

You wish to discuss blowing your ass out on the forum?

How is your booger collection doing?

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By Ray10754 at 18,Dec,12 00:12 other posts of Ray10754 
Some people just dont have any class !!

By #304228 at 17,Dec,12 21:42
My wife swallowed 9 loads and was fine.
By spermkiss at 17,Dec,12 22:54 other posts of spermkiss 
OK, were they all yours? If so, you're quite a man. I'm assuming that she swallowed nine loads in one day. Or did you invite the neighbors in for blow jobs. Just asking.

By spermkiss at 17,Dec,12 19:57 other posts of spermkiss 
Not me. I've eaten as many as twelve loads in one evening without any problem at all.

Adult Discussion Forum