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Eating your own cum

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Started by #435034 at 09,Oct,13 14:38
Who likes eating their own cum? I always have my precum but dot often get to the main course. This morning I got some before orgasm. Lets see yours and you eat it.

Similar topics: 1.Straight Men: What about eating a pussy after cumming in it?   2.cum eating   3.Eating Sperm!!   4.Ladies comment please.   5.Creampie eating  

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By Bi7incher at 31,Jul,24 05:07 other posts of Bi7incher 
I almost always eat mine after I jerking off. I usually cum in a souffle cup and then toss it back and swallow it all

By Smoothsilk at 26,Jul,24 16:08 other posts of Smoothsilk 
Jacked off in a shot glass. Tried to drink it. Not good.

By Horatio at 09,Jul,24 22:07 other posts of Horatio 
Always gave up on the idea of tasting my own after orgasiming, then I discovered stop/start method or edging with cum...
Basically, wank away like you normally would, whatever you normally do that will get you to cum. But, just like edging, you need a little control. You should know the feeling of a building orgasm/ejaculation, the trick is to stop masturbating as that feeling begins. With some practice and control (yes, sometimes it is too tempting to just feel great and release that load but hey, try, it is still feels great if you fail), you can get to the point where you will produce some cum, but not orgasm and loose that will to tase your cum. The cum will (for me) leak out, usually only like one normal spurt/drop/dribble or less, it dosen't shoot out like you are blowing a load. I'll then scoop this up and it will go straight into my mouth. Yum! I will do this several times in a session, sometimes 4, 5, 6 times, making cum just for tasting and holding back that orgasm. I'll either have a mouth full of my cum and either swallow it or sometimes I like to spit it back out onto my hand and use it as lube and cover my cock in it (looks great I think seeing a hard cock covered in cum). If I have done a good session of leaking and edging my cum out, when it is time to take my cock to full orgasm, hardly any cum will ejaculate out (usually maybe a drop or two).
Trust me, once you have mastered this technique, you will really enjoy tasting your own cum.

...I'm going to go and have to do this now, made me hard and horny as just writing this.
By s0m3r4nd0m at 09,Jul,24 22:56 other posts of s0m3r4nd0m 
I've been tempted to taste my own cum a couple of times but i always end up losing interest. However i do like to edge quite a bit to the point of nearly cumming and i leak so much precum. It happens as you describe it where some drops leak out of my dick. Love the feeling and how slippery it ends up getting
By Horatio at 10,Jul,24 01:59 other posts of Horatio 
I can release cum (the white creamy semen/sperm), not pre-cum (although I do that leading up to this, and that is great also). If you time it right, you can leak some cum and not orgasm so you don't get the "post nut clarity" where you lose the desire to taste your cum. If done right, that cum is there for the tasting.
It really takes control and practice, and can be a challenge to reach the point just before orgasm and getting the cum leaking. Trust me, get it right and it is amazing. Don't worry if you fail, you can always get hard and try again later!
Share your resutls if you succeed!

By Horatio at 10,Jul,24 04:56 other posts of Horatio 
I found this video, looks very much like what I do:
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By s0m3r4nd0m at 10,Jul,24 13:29 other posts of s0m3r4nd0m 
U do that while upside down and aiming at ur mouth? Damn

By Gingerscape at 09,Jul,24 15:36 other posts of Gingerscape 
Took me a long time to eat my own cum. Wanted to when I was 14 or 15, but always lost the urge after orgasm. Started licking precum and edging to get a little cum in my early 20s. Then started freezing it to suck on later when I was horny again. Later started cumming on food and eating it that way. Finally just started blowing into my hand any putting it straight to my mouth. Wish I had gotten over my hang-up earlier so I could have enjoyed more of my cum in my younger years.

By cumonme1 at 02,Mar,17 13:20 other posts of cumonme1 
I ate my own cum long before I sucked my first cock.
By #711401 at 18,Apr,24 13:39
I was swallowing men's spunk years before I could produce any of my own.

By cocklvr at 20,Mar,24 01:28 other posts of cocklvr 
I eat my cum as often as I can. I especially enjoy cumming on my food before I eat it.

By #711401 at 18,Apr,24 13:37
I love eating my own spunk on food.

By wycowboy at 20,Mar,24 14:22 other posts of wycowboy 
I did last night

By Oldsissy at 09,Feb,24 14:14 other posts of Oldsissy 
I eat my own cum at least once a week

By #708921 at 17,Jan,24 10:02
Tried it and loved it, would like to try someone elses

By Frenum at 17,Jan,24 06:11 other posts of Frenum 
I love it

By cardinal at 23,Aug,23 02:14 other posts of cardinal 
Oh hell.

By #680818 at 15,Aug,23 00:37
Ialways eat my cum and drink my pee too

By #692375 at 28,May,23 09:41
I was able to self suck and have cummed in my mouth a few times.

By #666477 at 04,May,22 16:27
I look forward to it each day. Usually position myself upside down against a wall or whatever and pull down draining my dick onto my face. Big loads usually all land in my mouth smaller ones seem to squirt more and paint my face.

Also very little experience but long for the day I eat multiple loads from a group or full blown bukkake.

Any leads on how to arrange or join one hmu. In Virginia btw
By sammy123 at 04,May,22 18:56 other posts of sammy123 
Love to drain yours

By JaySway at 28,May,23 07:42 other posts of JaySway 
Me too

By #463848 at 01,May,22 08:11
Never; or anyone else's. BTW it is full of carbohydrates!!

By Lukas123 at 10,Dec,21 23:17 other posts of Lukas123 
Sometimes yes

By smokieb69 at 09,Dec,21 12:30 other posts of smokieb69 
I do it sometimes. I regularly taste and lick up my precum, but not always in the mood for a full load. I normally cum directly into my mouth
By #652979 at 10,Dec,21 22:27
This is what i could do in my teens. I could get half of my cock in my mouth back then.

And i loved ot cum in my mouth and swallow my load.

By #516354 at 25,Mar,20 09:38
My ex wife,was also my Mistress,used to make me masturbate onto my food and eat it.She would also supply me with a drink of her piss to wash it down.
By yellowman at 09,Dec,21 13:13 other posts of yellowman 
Sounds good to me......

By dgraff at 10,Dec,21 18:55 other posts of dgraff 
Gross 🤮

By #652988 at 07,Dec,21 09:57
I have tasted my cum and it wasn't bad

By tinybobbie at 28,Apr,20 23:33 other posts of tinybobbie 
I save it up in the freezer, then when I get a nice amount I will either put it on my food our just drink it

By #583549 at 24,Apr,20 01:01
I eat my cum on my cheerios! I also love the taste of my precum!

By Motman at 23,Apr,20 05:52 other posts of Motman 
Try cumming into a condom and then swallowing it, lovely

By #275407 at 25,Mar,20 06:12
Never have
--------------------------------------- added after 14941 hours

Never will

By #612667 at 24,Mar,20 03:47
I will sometimes eat my jizz after i blow it is actualy very good for you if you look up exactly what sperm is made up of it is very good if you have sore throat also good for the skin
By #609554 at 24,Mar,20 20:37
I agree it’s good for you. I occasionally lick my cum off my fingers after wanking, tastes even better mixed with precum.

By #613707 at 23,Mar,20 17:10
Waste not,want not!

By #560627 at 26,Feb,19 06:42
I eat it if I can shoot it in my mouth

By #137050 at 23,Jan,19 00:59
Have been known to occasionally

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By #577720 at 22,Jan,19 02:07
I love to eat mine Ive been doing it for a long time now and just love it.

By #535695 at 19,Jan,19 22:42
I used to freeze mine to save it then the next time I was horny I would suck on the frozen cum, then I started eating it as I was cumming and eventually I started sucking cocks and swallowing other guys loads. I love having cum shot into my mouth.
By #571442 at 20,Jan,19 05:18

By #569584 at 19,Jan,19 23:05
I taste my pre-cum, and eat my wife out after I've shot my load in her. She sometimes snowballs it to me after a blowjob, or when she has wanked me off scoops it in her hand a feeds it to me. I also lick it off her tits. I LOVE IT

By wycowboy at 17,Jan,19 15:28 other posts of wycowboy 
I don't always eat my cum but I do like the taste
By german_guy at 19,Jan,19 21:19 other posts of german_guy 
same here

By #565837 at 19,Jan,19 13:04
If I don't have a cock at the moment to suck on, I play with my cock, cum in my hand and lick it clean, taste's great and less filling...

By foreskinlover52 at 17,Jan,19 05:14 other posts of foreskinlover52 
I always swallow my own cum and never waste a drop

By #568188 at 16,Jan,19 03:37
I usually cum in any drink I drink then drink it bust mostly the Starbucks coffee in a bottle

By #576960 at 15,Jan,19 20:59
I like the taste of mine. My wife normally tastes and swallows it when she sucks me off. Some times we kiss before she swallows. I love the taste of my wife's juices. She is still unable to ask me to suck her pussy after I have made love to her and she is full of my cum as well. One day!

By #532575 at 07,Apr,17 01:19
I love eating my cum its very erotic
By #544557 at 15,Jan,19 20:43
Same for me

By #532987 at 17,Apr,17 03:22
As one who has been swallowing my own cum for years learned a long time ago it takes training. Precut is sweet and very erotic. Cum or as I prefer Dick Sugar is sperm We can control the taste very easily. Some cum tastes strong or salty or unpleasant because of our diet. Mine tastes wonderful and always sweet. Don't drink coffee or eat onions garlic or red meat. Eat lots of fruit drink wine and eat fruit. You will be amazed at how delicious your squirt will taste.

By #522126 at 12,Apr,17 15:12
As much as possible,have a real taste for it and have started sucking cock for the reward of a hot,sweet mouthfull of cum,why should women have all the fun?

By Meandick at 15,Mar,17 21:44 other posts of Meandick 
I sometimes taste my precum, it's so sweet and tastes amazing. I loose the urge to eat my cum though, only tasted it a couple of times

By stroker11 at 09,Jun,14 14:51 other posts of stroker11 
Great on food, but usually as cream in my coffee!
By #285354 at 14,Mar,17 16:11
I squirt it in my morning coffee a few times a week

By #528209 at 10,Mar,17 02:46
I like it on oatmeal cookies.

By #497509 at 06,Mar,17 23:16
I have tasted few times. Taste is salty.

By #529755 at 06,Mar,17 19:52
Took me a while but I love eating and playing with my own cum now! I can't manage S full load yet but I have done when I've covered my fuck buddy with it and then I spit it in her mouth....

By #530184 at 05,Mar,17 16:11
I have wanted to try mine but when I do cum I have lost the urge to get it in my mouth. I do get a lot of precum when horny and have no problem tasting that though. Tastes so sweet!
By Blade at 06,Mar,17 05:45 other posts of Blade 
I usually can eat my precum, but I cum so much its hard to contain.

By #530258 at 02,Mar,17 01:02
HELL YEAH!!! Rub it on nipples, her lips, lick it off her tongue, lick it off anything! I promise use it on her nips then lick an suck it off! She will be dripping wet!!!!!
By #514308 at 04,Mar,17 15:02
Fuck yea...I lick my cum off of my wife, and she LOVES watching me do it

By #510951 at 02,Mar,17 01:14
I love to eat my own cum. it taste good stright or on my food

By bobbies12246 at 15,Mar,16 11:07 other posts of bobbies12246 
Taste very good i love sucking on a cockand filling my mouth full of cum and swallow it

By #311947 at 14,Mar,16 18:48
Its delicious

By #502789 at 06,Mar,16 16:02
I love mine and over my foood as well was just about to yummy

By kebmo at 28,Jan,16 10:05 other posts of kebmo 
Check my blog story "Three questions about your cock". One of the questions is "what do you do with your cum?". I couldn't believe how many of the 36 guys that replied swallow their own cum! I don't. I'm OK with my friends' cum but not my own. Not sure why. I've tasted mine a few times but that's it.
By leopoldij at 28,Jan,16 19:43 other posts of leopoldij 
Different people do different things.

By #460523 at 28,Jan,16 08:11
just did it

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