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Naked pics post for a yong man .

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Started by #183640 at 24,Dec,12 16:59
I love show off my hard cock even if my ass hole to public site .I really enjoyed people looked at my pics and aks me to download or comment them ...its will really make me like as crazy hell while I horny.

I know my shame pics was leak out and many people have watched them ,so ,is that have problems to me ?for a 19years old young man ?and what's going on my future ?I ask this because I can imaging my family and my friend will watch me in full erect and my dirty hole with horny face one ,I hope anyone will give me some opinion. .thank you .

Similar topics: 1.All dicked up and no game   2.members who don't post naked pics on their page...   3.Shower pics   4.tribute for pics   5.posting naked pics on Craigslist  

New Comment

By #183178 at 24,Dec,12 21:50
Looking good there Man!
No reason not to show it off
By spermkiss at 24,Dec,12 22:29 other posts of spermkiss 
You're my man.

By #183640 at 25,Dec,12 03:29
Is really good ?Shall I continue to take naked pics and then show of to the world ?
By spermkiss at 25,Dec,12 07:38 other posts of spermkiss 
Yes! You're a good looking young man who is very charming.

By #4222 at 24,Dec,12 17:03
The cat is out of the bag now--might as well walk tall and proud, and if anyone gives you trouble, tell them to go to hell.
By #183640 at 24,Dec,12 17:19
I saw one of my hard cock with my horny face pics have leak off on facebook..and many people comment it...from this ,other of my shame pics must leak off to facebook too...shall I show my true feeling and all my naked pics to my dad ?
By spermkiss at 24,Dec,12 19:40 other posts of spermkiss 
Not a bad idea. As blue balls said, the cat is out of the bag, your photos are our there and there is no calling them back. Sooner or later your family and everyone you know is going to see them so it would be best if you were the one to show them.

So stand tall and walk proud. It's your body and your life and if it gives you pleasure and satisfaction to put your nude body and your sex out there for everyone to see, then do it and don't be ashamed.

Adult Discussion Forum