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cfnm. why do i find this so exciting?

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Started by #337870 at 11,Jan,13 01:58
maybe it's because i have such a small penis, but i absolutely love to be naked in the presence of a fully-dressed woman or women.

i'm not into the brutal humiliation that most cfnm videos portray. just the sheer erotic vulnerability of being seen and having her know every detail of my naked genitals. and not having the same knowledge in return.

any other guys share this fascination? or women?

Similar topics: 1.CFNM (Ckother Female, Naked Male)   2.Bi Curious - A Little Shocked   3.CMNM & CFNM Events   4.MOST EXCITING!!!   5.ladies opinion please  

New Comment

By leopoldij at 20,Sep,17 04:56 other posts of leopoldij 
I prefer them naked.
--------------------------------------- added after 12 hours

But I do find cfnm exciting too. If the lady is shy and doesn't want to undress, why should I miss an opportunity for an orgasm?

By #536019 at 19,Sep,17 13:57
I definitely enjoy the fantasy of being "forced" (yeah, right!) to strip nude for one or (preferably) more clothed women, and masturbating while the women giggle and comment on the small size of my cock and on my JO technique.

By #485312 at 19,Sep,17 13:48
I think blokes just love a girl in costume or uniform, l know aussie likes to play dress ups with me. l sometimes feel like a doll that he dresses up because his cock gets extra hard and he looks different when he's admiring his choice of costume on me *lix*

By spermkiss at 16,Feb,17 16:29 other posts of spermkiss 
You find it exciting because you have a really healthy attitude about having a micro penis. You're small, you know you're small, you know you're always going to be small and you're proud of your little wonder and like showing it off.

I'm gonna say to you what I often tell men with micros: Yes, the men with jumbos have something to be proud of and they get a lot of attention, but a man with a micro who's proud of it and who has the balls to put it on public display is a bigger stud.

Sir, I salute you.

By leopoldij at 16,Feb,17 09:41 other posts of leopoldij 
I like it too. Bit I prefer the woman to be naked as well so I can play with her pussy.

By #521574 at 16,Feb,17 08:11
It's HOT! I have been lucky enough to and they watched me blow my load.

By #41858 at 25,Dec,13 02:55
Yes, itx exciting to be humiliated by hot chicks who will judge you and telll you how disgusting your penis is while they beat it to orgasm..

By #7976 at 11,Jan,13 03:12
Then your an exhibitionist. There's nothing wrong with that.

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