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Cock too big for girlfriend

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Started by #48122 at 13,Jan,13 15:04
My girlfriend is small - 5'3", 90 lbs and SUPER skinny. Every time we have sex, no matter how long the foreplay lasts, it takes a good 5-10 minutes for her to really get used to my cock before we can really go at it. Anyone else have a similar problem? We've been having sex 4-8 times a week for almost 2 years now, so I don't think it's a "she'll eventually get used to you" thing. Any tips and/or thoughts appreciated.

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By #146804 at 13,Jan,13 18:22
A woman's vagoo will adapt to the size of her partner. I mean seriously, babies come out of their you know?

Use a lot of lube and make her orgasm with oral before you even try and slide in there. You are a good big size, big enough that perhaps certain positions might hurt, but not so monstrous that it just isn't going to happen.
By WristThick at 17,Jan,13 07:11 other posts of WristThick 
Of course bring out the lube. You might have to squirt it on like ketchup though lol

Yes, pussies are meant to stretch. A LOT. Only problem is that the pubic bone can get in the way of a really big cock. This happens with a lot of petite girls.

Good thing that there's no pubic bone in the ass

By #57759 at 15,Jan,13 15:11
give her a glass of wine , before sex and try doggy style position, that should work for the two of you. good luck and happy fucking
By WristThick at 17,Jan,13 07:06 other posts of WristThick 
Wine good, doggy bad. Seriously, doggy is one of the worst positions to fuck in if it's a really tight fit. I can't do proper doggy with most girls because of my size. I think you're in my boat. Especially if she's that super petite.

You've been warned.

By #164428 at 13,Jan,13 18:17
Experiment with different positions. Also, you may have to hold back somewhat and only put part of the length in. Many women find banging against the cervix uncomfortable if not painful....

Lube is a good idea, as Belberith said. She may need even more foreplay as well. The vagina is elastic and can stretch; birth is good evidence of that! With enough stimulation, the canal actually widens at the top and lengthens. So maybe it will just take more finessing.

Good luck!
By #124665 at 16,Jan,13 09:59
Yes but **** birth is not a cock, and I'm pretty sure the woman goes through 9 months of hormonal changes to spit the baby out. And I hear that it's also quite painfull as well

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