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Started by BALLZDIXNCLITZ at 15,Jan,13 13:37  other posts of BALLZDIXNCLITZ
I am curious... why are so many members identified as a number here in the forum? Are they deleted members, banned, ? Just wondered.

Similar topics: 1.Numbers of Sexpartner   2.phone numbers?   3.Sex on first date is the norm in modern world   4.Exchange numbers and exchange pics/videos!   5.Lottortury  

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By #301038 at 15,Jan,13 14:36
deleted members
By BALLZDIXNCLITZ at 16,Jan,13 13:01 other posts of BALLZDIXNCLITZ 
That would have been my guess. I wasn't sure though, as I was more often used to seeing "deleted" or "deleted member" as identifying a poster who is no longer.
Is this a new thing; as I don't remember the numbers before this winter, just the previous mentioned "deleted ".?
By #301038 at 17,Jan,13 09:10
yeah, used to be 'deleted member', now it's numbers to identify them somehow
By BALLZDIXNCLITZ at 17,Jan,13 20:16 other posts of BALLZDIXNCLITZ 
Thank you! You're a PEACH!!!

Adult Discussion Forum