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Started by #318038 at 19,Jan,13 23:02
Above all I love my wife "Maints-Perfect" then not just the "hots-for" but I do love my "baby-doll (drtyltlgrl)" and there are at least 2 who have left this site foreverz. Tell us...who do you love?

Similar topics: 1.Premium Supporting Members   2.Purging inactive members   3.why have the facility to take points off people!   4.Measured cocks Group - need members   5.Admin: This is a Members Request to : Bring back the Ban Feature from the past...  

New Comment

By #68656 at 22,Jan,13 11:56
Obviously he did not love his account as he has closed it.
By bella! at 22,Jan,13 13:33 other posts of bella! 
Don't be silly John, he may have closed the account established under the profile name of Maint-Man, however he has so many more fake accounts.
By #341776 at 22,Jan,13 15:01
True that Bella, true that.
By #345984 at 22,Jan,13 22:04
Really Fairy? I don't Skype often but you're among the incredibly few that I have spoken too. You've been in my garage with both myself and MP. I'll open my skype and check for messages.
By #341776 at 22,Jan,13 23:28
If you really are the MM I used to talk to in chat, and share my music collection with then you wont mind sending me a PM with the name you told me was yours.
By #345984 at 23,Jan,13 21:00
No pics on my page so I can't send PM to you here. Replied via Skype
By #341776 at 23,Jan,13 23:04
I sincerely hope this is the real MM, and not some jack ass's lame brained fucktard attempt at poorly imitating a person who I know is a really nice, and cool person just for the sake of being a complete troll and douche bag. I have checked skype and I don't not see any messages from the supposed MM nor his equally awesome wife.
By bella! at 23,Jan,13 23:18 other posts of bella! 
FairyDust version2.0 you are so intuitive about ppl, what's your take on Maint-Man? I had limited conversations with M-M ( via pm ) but I'm not feelin' that this is the former member.

Adult Discussion Forum