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i need some advice guys!

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Started by #303233 at 25,Jan,13 12:54
I already posted this but no one answered so I made another one I am going to suck my first Dick and I'm extremely nervous. The thought of sucking a cock turns me on so much but then again it doesn't seem right. I'm pretty sure I'm gonna do it but I need some BJ advise. I don't want tl give a bad BJ. Thanks!

Similar topics: 1.Advice   2.As I look 4 my first cock 2 suk. Tell me about your 1st time suk. Any advice   3.picking up a married man, advice?   4.Advice for a 22yr FIRST TIME   5.VIRGIN ADVICE FOR FIRST TIME!!!  

New Comment

By #363802 at 17,Mar,13 18:01
if you like to suck cock as much as I do, then the passion of loving that hard throbbing cock filling your mouth will show, and he will love it! I always suck cock slow, wet, deep and with passion, that shows him just how much I LOVE and appreciate the opportunity, he has given me to make him cum!I never want or expect anything in return, remember your JOB is to GIVE pleasure, not get PLEASURE, remember that and you will be fine, always do a good job, or, you won't EARN another chance to please him!!!!

By bella! at 25,Jan,13 18:42 other posts of bella! 
You created a new thread because no one answered the first one? Why not wait longer then 1 hour!

Adult Discussion Forum