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A Woman's Right To Show Her Tits!

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Started by #12853 at 04,Dec,09 02:54
In the U.S.A., New York is one of the only (if not THE only) state that protects a woman's right to go topless in public. This came about years ago when the courts in New York ruled that a woman has the same constitutionally guaranteed rights as a man concerning topless sunbathing.

Unfortunately, New York is a pretty cold state that doesn't have a lot of good beaches! RATS!

Anyhow.... my question is this:

Should women have equal treatment under the law when it comes to going topless? I say, "hell, yes!"

Similar topics: 1.Show us what a beautiful pair of tits you have, ladies.   2.hi gorgeous,you look so sexy,would love to fuc* you,and cum all over yor tits.   3.Size of cocks, tits, pussy lips   4.seXXXy inked up woman SHOW OFF UR INK AND SEXY BODIES   5.I love to look at shaved cunts. Why not show me yours  

New Comment

By nekekal at 02,Dec,12 04:35 other posts of nekekal 
I think it should be a world wide right for a woman to show her tits. I can think of no good reason not too. except that I would probably walk into the side of a building and kill myself while watching.

By #301038 at 02,Dec,12 03:43
Absolutely... and freedom to be naked on your own property...
By Ray10754 at 02,Dec,12 03:48 other posts of Ray10754 
I agree completly! Although I may not have the leagal right I am nude on my property any time I want when it is fesable, I have 4 acers here and it is fairly secluded

By #6236 at 10,Dec,09 12:08
ontario canada has a law protecting that right as well

By slipper at 10,Dec,09 07:12 other posts of slipper 
Sounds good to me!

By #8288 at 05,Dec,09 14:15

And allow me to be naked in my own backyard!!
By boy at 05,Dec,09 16:07 other posts of boy 
Yu have permission to do so and even to upload pics here

By #7976 at 04,Dec,09 21:25
Absolutely. Not a doubt about it.

By #27618 at 04,Dec,09 08:48
Well I suppose it should be "optional" for women everywhere to be topless while sunbathing.

On the same tack,,,,it should be optional for men to be topless while sunbathing,,,,,

There are some guys that shouldn't be allowed to have their tops off in public,,,, like me
By #3997 at 04,Dec,09 16:58

By #38932 at 04,Dec,09 06:48
Of course! Almost ALL straight or bi men (gays probably don't care), and any "true" feminists will agree with me. I'm in Pennsylvania, which is just south of New York by the way. I'd like this to apply for not only sunbathing though...

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