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Size of cocks, tits, pussy lips

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Started by #384365 at 17,May,13 16:05
Why are men so obsessed with the size of their cock or a woman's tits or pussy lips. since looking on this site I have learned that we come in all shapes and sizes and none are better than another. I like looking at pictures of women and to be honest, though I started with certain preferences such as medium but prominent tits with large nipples, I have come to realise that women can be attractive for all sorts of reasons and non connected to any size. the size of a man's cock says nothing about the man either. I think we should value people for who they are and not their vital statistics. What do you think?

Similar topics: 1.LIPS   2.What size are my Pussy lips   3.Pussy Lips So Big   4.Pussy lips   5.Women with BALLZ !!  

New Comment

By onthelose at 20,Nov,16 02:21 other posts of onthelose 
I cant explain my desire to have something larger. I was teased at a young age about my size in the school showers by others who couldn't find their way home without help. Maybe that's the problem, but a lot of men crave something larger. Aside from that, I personally would just like to use what I have more.

By leopoldij at 19,Nov,16 23:01 other posts of leopoldij 
Sure. As long as there's a pussy to fuck or a mouth to suck you, no problem.

By niceonebighead at 19,Nov,16 16:39 other posts of niceonebighead 
like cock2 suck 6--9 in what icall nice same not little not 2 big

By #291618 at 18,May,13 06:26

Adult Discussion Forum