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why take pictures of you cock birdseye view..

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Started by #349414 at 02,Feb,13 16:10
Just cant understand why 90 percent of men here take bad straight down shots. Honestly whole girls/women like me like seeing the whole package. For example oldbugle those pics get me going.

Boy check his pictures and study.

Similar topics: 1.can't see photos   2.Rateing topics   3.Perverts?   4.What reason do YOU mainly come to this Site?   5.Admin please change the rules!!!!!!!!!!!  

New Comment

By #81191 at 06,Feb,13 14:35
There are those that have no interest in the viewpoint or quality. I would be happy to see your pics but I am denied that pleasure.

By dickisgreat at 06,Feb,13 05:34 other posts of dickisgreat 
Yeah, lots of logistical reasons, like people are saying.

It's harder than you think to get a good angle. And if you want to keep identifiable parts of your room out of the picture that makes it even harder.

I've tried a lot to just hold a camera out and point it at me and the result is lots of skewed unflattering angles.

Also - most of the good body pics seem to be taken in a full-length mirror, which I don't have.

By #323075 at 04,Feb,13 06:49
Please Show my pictures! Maybe you find what you want to see!

By #200265 at 03,Feb,13 07:29
Are there any of mine that are what you want to see ?

Adult Discussion Forum