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What reason do YOU mainly come to this Site?

This is an Adult Discussion Forum of Show It Off Site
If you wish to participate you should register on that site and write there

Started by #193081 at 17,Oct,12 21:22
View Cocks?
View Pussy?
Cock Comparison?
Hook Up?
Jerk off?

Similar topics: 1.What brought you to this site   2.are you addicted?   3.A handful of good fucking reasons for a snobby bitch to ban annoying turds.   4.Pop ups and site redircts   5.Farewell!  

New Comment

By #591623 at 03,Oct,19 09:44
To look at beautiful cocks, get all hard!

By #551147 at 02,Oct,19 05:01
To look at Dick, Duh!
Oh and to peruse the fine intellect in these forums.

By #601059 at 01,Oct,19 14:14
I am curious what others think about my male tools. I love to read comments.

By twax at 30,Sep,19 01:44 other posts of twax 
I like giving and receiving compliments to all of the beautiful people on the site

By #558214 at 30,Sep,19 01:10
I love looking at all the cock pictures when I jack off. Plus I love dirty chat and this site is a good place to do that. Posting pics of my cock was the first time I had ever done that and I like the fact that some may be getting of looking at my pics.

By #536019 at 25,Sep,19 18:16
To view and collect pics of sexy erect cocks.
Also to show off my own cock.

By cumcouplessa at 25,Sep,19 18:10 other posts of cumcouplessa 
We both love cock. Especially hard, upcurved cock. Seeing them and fantasizing makes us both horny as hell. Also hoping to eventually make contact for a 3'some? Who knows what the future holds? Just like the lottery, if you have a ticket, you have a chance?

By Toasty at 25,Sep,19 15:50 other posts of Toasty 
Reading comments and dirty talk about my photos. It makes me more horny + sharing pictures to people who are excited about me is also fun if they want more of it

By #64328 at 23,Sep,19 19:38
I have always liked seeing other guys cocks. They are all unique and have always been a secret turn on

By Ablaze at 23,Sep,19 18:01 other posts of Ablaze 
To view beautiful big cocks, boobs and asses and to have new sexual partners all over the world.

By louther at 16,Sep,19 17:38 other posts of louther 
I come to view the pics of course! I also like chatting with members and getting to hear their stories or fantasies. I really like messaging about first time bi experiences and just getting to know people and their desires.

By #556084 at 16,Sep,19 10:04
It's a safe place for me to show my cock and see other cocks

By jumbu at 16,Sep,19 02:56 other posts of jumbu 
i want as many Ladies to see my dick and give me commments
By #551147 at 16,Sep,19 04:24
🙄 Then you're on & at the wrong site.. Free advice...
By jumbu at 16,Sep,19 05:45 other posts of jumbu 
where else can i go, i do have a lot of ladies on this sight who make sexual comments about my dick

By #593194 at 16,Sep,19 03:03
I like showing my cock and hearing what people think

By #595500 at 16,Sep,19 02:21
It's the safest way to be an exhibitionist! Plus I'm addicted to it.

By #599768 at 15,Sep,19 14:38
To other couples fucking. Just look.

We are straight but see how others are playing.

By #518391 at 11,Sep,19 07:48
I like to show off my cock (and the occasional compliment I receive makes me more confident about its small size), I'm curious to see others cocks (we all like to see how we measure up to the next guy) and it's great to chat about what we enjoy doing with our hard cocks.

By #275407 at 09,Sep,19 15:30
Just chatting is no fun and looking at naked people is no fun either, It's the combination of chatting and being able to see what other person looks like naked that turns me on.
--------------------------------------- added after 89 seconds

I also like getting naked and hearing what other people say about my body
By Sir-Skittles at 10,Sep,19 13:47 other posts of Sir-Skittles 
Cody, shut your cunt and to bake me a pie
By #275407 at 11,Sep,19 00:42
I got you pie hole right here
By #574505 at 11,Sep,19 01:27

By #551147 at 11,Sep,19 01:34
I come to masturbate to this stud ➡️ [deleted image]
By #275407 at 11,Sep,19 05:45
Who is that stud, he's hott

By massco at 11,Sep,19 00:53 other posts of massco 
I come here to check out all the sexual differences. Maybe get to get with the ones that I fantasize about.

By massco at 11,Sep,19 00:52 other posts of massco 
I come here to check out al the sexual differences. Maybe get to get with the ones that I fantasize about.

By yoursecretagent at 10,Sep,19 15:27 other posts of yoursecretagent 
Exhibitionist here, but I enjoy looking too

By Sir-Skittles at 10,Sep,19 13:48 other posts of Sir-Skittles 
Smashing cunts and muppets isn't a choice??

By Lvphose at 10,Sep,19 05:14 other posts of Lvphose 
I enjoy both exhibitionism and voyerism

By smcock at 10,Sep,19 03:46 other posts of smcock 
I come to view other men's cocks,jack off and hope to hook up with another man. I haven't done anything with another man but hope to one day.

By #549975 at 09,Sep,19 01:56
Luv to show off

By #598172 at 08,Sep,19 23:44
I like pussy and to show myself off

By #595788 at 08,Sep,19 21:59
The main reason is to show my penis and to admire other men’s penises.

By knewbi at 08,Sep,19 21:23 other posts of knewbi 
I cum to see the great cocks and chat with some of the members both ladies and men. Oh, and to jerk off.

By MoeJoe at 08,Sep,19 15:41 other posts of MoeJoe 
Cocks...and only cocks.

By #64328 at 08,Sep,19 14:55
I enjoy chatting with other horny people. I love women but prefer looking at dicks when I masturbate.

By #472252 at 08,Sep,19 12:33
I enjoy seeing such variety of pussy and cocks and I do compare myself as all men are not created equal also enjoy chat and sometimes that leads to a cam

By #583549 at 08,Sep,19 11:14
I come here too see other smooth cocks,balls and pussys!I also enjoy chatting with my friends here and look at all of the great photos!

By WHATSUPDOC at 08,Sep,19 07:30 other posts of WHATSUPDOC 
I cum here to view. Beautiful cock photos an then to jerk off

By #274357 at 18,Jun,13 20:46
Nowadays...meeting like minded individuals.
By #23212 at 20,Jun,13 06:46
Which minds are you referring to?

By #358284 at 14,Jun,13 14:35
To locate Men that need NSA Blowjobs & NSA Deepthroat Blowjobs, Period!!

By #145304 at 14,Jun,13 02:52
see what kinda jerking material I come across

By #358797 at 14,Jun,13 01:07
I'm a chatter. Lol.

By #391577 at 10,Jun,13 19:15
I don't know - but it's not for random men to PM me this:

and expect me to get excited and reply! Why do they do that? I can see real ones wanking, and have dirty talk with real people, so a wank emoticon is about as hot as being seduced by a dead peeled prawn!

Actually, writing that, I think it's to fantasize, and that means a bit more wooing than a cartoon carrot wanking
By #159671 at 10,Jun,13 19:50
You can look at them as a simple, not so sophisticated compliment. Its got to be better then a

By #323075 at 08,Jun,13 05:16
All reason without fetish and boredom!

By #221574 at 08,Jun,13 03:27
I love to show off my cock and check out all the other hot cocks while I jack off. I get into some pretty nasty chat too

By #121813 at 07,Jun,13 15:23
It's got a good beat and it's easy to dance to

By pornlover59 at 17,Oct,12 22:11 other posts of pornlover59 
show off look at cocks pussies assholes chat
By bella! at 17,Oct,12 22:42 other posts of bella! 
This site certainly has a myriad of beautiful cocks, many lovely pussies and a bunch of assholes too!
By #278535 at 16,Feb,13 20:08

By #301038 at 07,Dec,12 06:46
show my pussy... get some attention... chat with some people.
By #278535 at 07,Dec,12 19:08
i'm also came here regularly for watch pussy, chat with them if they give me chance for chatting!

By #278535 at 07,Dec,12 19:10
Any way, you've got an attractive pussy!
By #301038 at 10,Dec,12 00:28
By johnp at 26,Jan,13 16:24 other posts of johnp 
I aalso come to watch peaches pussy!
By #278535 at 16,Feb,13 20:07
I agree

By #324336 at 27,Jan,13 17:05
i like looking at other cds but enjoy everything.

By Reid43 at 27,Jan,13 17:00 other posts of Reid43 
I come to this site to view other guys cocks and to compare my penis to guys with real mens cocks. I know my penis is small and I want to see how I compare with others.

Usually all I would see online or in magazines was porn actors and not just regular guys and I used to think that my dick was of average size. Now after coming to this site I can view normal guys cocks and I have come to the reality that I am hung kind of small. I have learned to accept it and deal with it.

By smartex at 27,Jan,13 13:56 other posts of smartex 
I like to watch normal people's cocks, pussies and asses when I jack off as well as having mine being looked at. That's it basically...

By #218023 at 09,Dec,12 15:09
Just want to suck my first cock
By #228599 at 27,Jan,13 10:55
Shame you are so far away, I would love to oblige. What about me sucking yours?

By #337566 at 27,Jan,13 08:08
To show my cock
[deleted image]

[deleted image]

[deleted image]

By 3fdfd at 27,Jan,13 03:11 other posts of 3fdfd 
look at cock
jerk off to a nice looking cock
chat with a few guys that I've become friends with
jerk off to my friends' cocks

By dickisgreat at 26,Jan,13 17:33 other posts of dickisgreat 
To see straight guys showing off their dicks and talking about them. MASSIVE turn-on.

Gay guys are fine too but they're a dime a dozen. Whereas straight dudes, along with curious or 'questioning', are the holy grail of cock, if you ask me.
By #347242 at 26,Jan,13 17:37
im right up your alley then
By dickisgreat at 26,Jan,13 21:22 other posts of dickisgreat 
Right on

PM me and tell me about your dick, what you like about it...

By t-rex at 26,Jan,13 15:51 other posts of t-rex 
All of the above

Adult Discussion Forum