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Toothless BlowJobs

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Started by #121813 at 07,Feb,13 16:38
I am a married cocksucker with a full set of dentures I remove when sucking. Mostof the cocks i,ve sucked(200-300) have been through Glory Holes so i havent gotten much feed back(no pun intended) about if it feels different than from someone with teeth. anyone have experience both ways?

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New Comment

By #147052 at 08,Feb,13 14:53
I remove my teeth. It has been described to be as one of the best blowjobs ever. And nobody goes home with teeth marks

By #220845 at 07,Feb,13 19:50
I love it

By spermkiss at 07,Feb,13 19:21 other posts of spermkiss 
I have and it's mind blowing. When a cocksucker takes out his dentures and gives me a gum job it's like no other blow job in the world. I expect that it is really good for the cocksucker as well. To feel the cock not only on his lips and tongue, but also on his gum tissue must add a whole level of pleasure to the act of sucking a guy off.

Having said that, however, I'll add that I'm a cocksucker myself and I manage just fine with a full set of teeth. So tell me what it's like to give a man a gum job. Not that I would ever consider having my healthy teeth extracted, but when I see a man without teeth go to town on my dick, he seems to go at it with a vigor and excitement that no other cocksucker has.

So keep on giving those gum jobs. I'm sure the men getting them really enjoy them.

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