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Deviant Sex?

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Started by #343694 at 11,Feb,13 18:42
What's with the new item on the content list? Is it a site new item or is it third party offsite? One has to register I belive to open or can one use present ID and password. Just curious!

Similar topics: 1."Deviant Sex" ???   2.Deviant Sex page - Good, Bad, or Incredibly Stupid?   3.RANDOM BULLSHIT.......DUMPSTER EDITION!   4.Support this site  

New Comment

By #316057 at 16,Feb,13 18:54
I'm in who wants my #

By #164428 at 12,Feb,13 00:06
I asked Admin. about this. Apparently, it will be a "meet for sex" site. I asked if by "deviant" it will include such categories as BDSM, Cuckolding, Swinging....He said, "exactly". Hmmm. Could be quite lucrative!
By #124665 at 12,Feb,13 01:34
By #164428 at 12,Feb,13 02:05
I want your sweet ass, my dear friend and sexy fucker!
By pornlover59 at 13,Feb,13 00:23 other posts of pornlover59 
and mine too i hope!

By #132188 at 11,Feb,13 23:31
Hope I get paid royalties out of it
--------------------------------------- added after 2 hours

Umm still waiting for my first instalment..... Must have got a number wrong
By #164428 at 12,Feb,13 00:05

--------------------------------------- added after 20 seconds

I sure want me some Deviant sex, my darling!
By pornlover59 at 13,Feb,13 00:21 other posts of pornlover59 
and i'l join you sexy!!

By #274357 at 12,Feb,13 01:58
I thought we had enough deviant persons here...
By #319390 at 12,Feb,13 06:48
how much higher can the bar be raised?

By admin at 12,Feb,13 00:12 other posts of admin 
Regrettably I made an epic fail rokie mistake there. If you already registered, please go and check your profile. You may discover that you are black gay while in fact you are straight white. Once you fix it, it won't change anymore against your will. Sorry for that.

Adult Discussion Forum