Logging on this evening I discovered a new link on the SYC home page; “Deviant Sex” – my curiosity was peaked so I clicked. On the next screen I found that it’s a new part of the site, has no members, and Admin is soliciting comments via private messages; I became suspicious. But my curiosity turned to horror as the “Create Profile” page opened and asks for an eMail address and permission to notify users by eMail.
Now the topic of deviant sex is an interesting one to say the least and should be part of every enlightened persons understanding. To that end, I took a college course a few decades ago titled “Social and Sexual Deviance and Deviants” which was fascinating and provided a base for which many of my sociosexual beliefs are at least in part based on. However, and this is a big however, It was presented in a collegiate setting where minds are supposed to be opened to the exploration of the vastness diversity of social behaviors worldwide.
So, what makes me cringe at this new area for social intercourse? The world has undergone huge changes in some areas since I was in academia and one of those changes is that we have undergone a massive communications renaissance in which there is truly no hiding information put into the either. Firewalls and security coding help but to the master hacker it’s an open book meaning in this case that once you’re signed up on a site with the title Deviant Sex it’s very likely to show up in a background check and it won’t be connected to your academic studies, but you’ll be labeled as a sexual deviant and depending who has the information, you could be shunned from work and social networks or, and this is the bad part, be tried, convicted, and imprisoned as a sexual predator and there’s no coming back from that.
I for one discovered a number of years ago that deviance is an every moving target. When I was growing up few, very few women shaved their pubic hair; only a bikini clip in the summer. However in today’s society, it’s considered the norm to shave so bald a grown woman looks like a prepubescent girl and those of us who like the “natural look” on a woman, at least in America, are now part of a fetish group. I for one don’t consider myself a fetishist but then, perceptions are what they are.
That being said, whether I believe I’m a fetishist or not, I’m sure not going to say do on an open forum such as the SYC site only to be identified with and/or targeted by others with a different moral compass. So, what do you think? Is the new SYC Deviant Sex page a good thing, bad thing, or is it so over the top that identifying with it is incredibly stupid? Let’s her your thoughts.

