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How often do you jerk off? How?

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Started by #344570 at 24,Feb,13 03:07
Like most guys on this site, I am horny a lot. I jerk off almost everyday, usually to gay porn or in the shower with soap, once in a while on cam with other guys. Love sex with my wife but she's only interested every couple weeks.

Similar topics: need of a jerk off friend   2.seeing a guy jerk off for the 1st time   3.Jerk Off Buddy   4.jerk buddy on cam   5.Looking for a jerk bud in Illinois NW burbs  

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By #166251 at 20,Oct,13 18:13
Twice today while my gf was out n again now while in bath as she watches telly.

By #223655 at 04,Oct,13 16:11
I gotta jerk at least 4-6 times a day including regular sex atleast
2-3 times a day.i love being horny

By hunnngry at 03,Oct,13 09:49 other posts of hunnngry 
I jack once a day in the shower in the mornings with the shower curtain open hoping someone is watching me threw the bathroom window i give them a good show if they are watching

By #289712 at 03,Oct,13 08:57
I cant leave it alone. Every day. I have pretty regular sex with my gf but its never enough. Masturbation is fun, natural and oart of my daily routine. Morning when I wake up is best. I came so hard this morning it hit my pillow and beyond.

By #407367 at 26,Sep,13 15:43
I jack off daily and love it. I sit and on the computer looking at gay porn or this site looking at other cocks and I have baby powder on my cock so its smooth as I rub it, stroke lightly, rub the head and sometimes also sit on my dildo feeling good with it inside my asshole and I get harder and harder and then follow up in front of the mirror as I masturbate hard and fuck myself with the dildo or I will contact some guy and suck each other.
By hornycock420 at 29,Sep,13 22:28 other posts of hornycock420 

By cumaddik at 29,Sep,13 16:26 other posts of cumaddik 
At least once a day on the bed, in the shower, in front of TV, watching porn...i love jerking off

By #291618 at 27,Sep,13 03:05
Every day watching porn or wanking on skype or live cams mostly on the nights probably 3 times a day

By CreativeOne at 25,Sep,13 05:17 other posts of CreativeOne 
Me ... at least once a day , sometimes twice a day !!!

By malecall4 at 24,Sep,13 07:30 other posts of malecall4 
not very often every 3 or 4 weeks

By #136427 at 23,Sep,13 11:49
Once a day, unless wife lets me have sex

By #402698 at 21,Sep,13 19:40
Usually one time a day but when im horny 1-4 times a day

By #147052 at 25,Feb,13 18:33
usually a couple of times a day.....

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