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How did you chose your wife?

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Started by #301038 at 26,Feb,13 11:32
* CHOOSE, my bad...

What troubles me is lots and lots of complaints from men, who are not getting their dick treated the way they want at home. Some don't get their dicks sucked, some don't ever see their wife's asshole, some just don't get it often enough...

What startles me, is that we don't live in a county where arranged marriage is common, and I'm willing to bet money, that most of people on this site didn't see their wife naked on their wedding night for the first time. Why on Earth would you marry someone who wouldn't satisfy you physically in the first place? Didn't you know she didn't like sucking sick/taking it in her ass before you proposed? If my husband wouldn't do things I can not be happy without, I would never marry him, no matter how smart, strong and handsome he was. So, why men do it?

Save you breath, saying that sex is not the most important part of marriage... it's not, when sex is great, cause it's taken for granted, but when sex life sucks, nothing else matters, cause the only thing you think about is how to satisfy your carnal desires... by all means...

On the other hand, it takes two to tango and if you were able to make your wife enjoy sex a WHOLE LOT, she'd always come back for more...and if you took time to take the trip down the exploration lane together, she'd be more willing to let you fuck her in the ass, moreover, she'd ask for it... the problem is, some women don't even know what great sex is and that's why they do it only to satisfy their men, as a method of gratification... and if they think that their husband doesn't deserve it, he's not going to get it...

I want to fuck my husband because I want to have fun in the first place... he's satisfaction is a lucky byproduct, which he seems to enjoy.

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New Comment

By #7976 at 26,Feb,13 22:53
Life and relationships are an ever evolving processes. My wife and I had plenty of sex in the beginning. But after two babies, her desire waned and mine didn't so we grew further and further apart in terms of sexual desire. That being said, we didn't grow apart in most other aspects of our lives. In fact, we grew closer and closer over time.

Although I don't get enough sex, that's not a good enough reason to divorce. Instead, I simply channel my energies into this site. I've met a number of ladies who are the mirror image of my situation and we simply enjoy chatting about our wants, desires, wishes and of course, sex although, typically not in the form of Cyber Sex.

I don't know if this answers your question Peach and I don't claim to speak for every man; just myself.

By bella! at 26,Feb,13 23:21 other posts of bella! 
YOU, BushPilot, are the peach!

Adult Discussion Forum