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desert island

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Started by #5108 at 24,Feb,09 14:40
if on a desert island how would you take with you from this site . dicks and cunts

Similar topics: 1.anyone for sex on Long Island?   2.anyone from Mass?   3.Long Island   4.You're stuck on a deserted island and can only have one SYD member with you....   5.Stuck on island with 8 people who do you take  

New Comment

By #1163 at 25,Feb,09 12:15
You, baby! ;-)
By #10364 at 30,Mar,09 09:07
I agree,,, I'd take YOU... I'd also take SleepingBeauty, imoan, Jenna101, batter-up, not necessarily in that order.
By #864 at 17,May,10 07:44
thank you.... i'd be honoured! XXX
By #23212 at 17,May,10 08:58
Even though it took you about 13 months till you were honoured, your pics are great!

By #7976 at 05,Jun,09 17:58
An Update to my earlier comment: after being on the site for a while longer, I would still take Hy but I might add a few others to the group. Antonella is a doll and Autumn77 would keep everyone in stitches. maint-perfect is full of fun and energy and Luvathapiss is great to be with too. There are many more I have met and because they are not here doesn't mean I wouldn't take them along; not to mention a few of the men I have gotten to know. In all, there are many wonderful people on this site. And, just to be clear Sam, you are one of the cutest ladies around and you would definitely be on my list of marooned castaways too.

By #7976 at 31,Mar,09 02:51
Hystyker. Intelligent, athletic, sexy, and would be great to look at nude on a tropical beach and soft to cuddle with in the sand of a moonlit beach at night.
By #10287 at 31,Mar,09 05:15
Sir, I am with you!! She is sexy, honest, beautiful, friendly and just plain awesome. No one else compares to her. Sorry everyone is battling for second.
By #7976 at 01,Apr,09 02:36
I suppose, if there was a second woman on this site that has my attention it is Vanessa. I have only chatted with her once so I can't say I know her well but she is an incredibly sexy-looking woman with a beautiful body and face.

Adult Discussion Forum