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You're stuck on a deserted island and can only have one SYD member with you....

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Started by #467242 at 26,Jul,14 23:03
Which one would you have?

I pick Starlover...something about her tells me the fucking would never get old.

Similar topics: 1.desert island   2.stuck my penis in   3.Long Island   4.YOUR BEST NUDE BEACH PICTURE, see mine!   5.Stuck on island with 8 people who do you take  

New Comment

By qhaos at 07,Aug,14 08:39 other posts of qhaos 
i pick Bella! i think there will be no boring days with her!

By Sickboy at 03,Aug,14 19:29 other posts of Sickboy 
I'll find the island you are all stuck on and bring Sweetslit with me! .........does that count?
By #428387 at 03,Aug,14 22:10
Where all here SB got the drinks lined up on the bar waiting.
Just a turn to the right by a little white light that will lead you to Alexblue's heaven .
By Sickboy at 03,Aug,14 22:15 other posts of Sickboy 
" I can see the light"

By sweetslit at 04,Aug,14 00:22 other posts of sweetslit 
Woo Hoo!! Sicks taking me on holiday... I would start packing but the only thing I need is you and maybe a few pairs of shoes
By Sickboy at 06,Aug,14 22:50 other posts of Sickboy 

By Nevermore at 03,Aug,14 19:11 other posts of Nevermore 
Arexa. Would not get tired of seeing her nude.
By #358797 at 04,Aug,14 04:14
I'm quite flattered
By #449110 at 05,Aug,14 09:03
And course I'd love to take you as well.
By #358797 at 05,Aug,14 10:20
Awh, shucks.
By #449110 at 06,Aug,14 04:20
I would have taken you first, but you said my dick wasn't long enough for you. So you'd probably make sure there were other men or women on the island that you could fuck, before you'd let me take a shot at you.
By #358797 at 06,Aug,14 05:11
Bahaha. I don't think those were my precise words, you silly goose.

By #465054 at 05,Aug,14 09:34
SYD all users
1 week on an island must stay together
Great parties are organized

By leopoldij at 27,Jul,14 05:58 other posts of leopoldij 
I pick arexa.
By #358797 at 04,Aug,14 04:18
I knew you'd pick me
By leopoldij at 04,Aug,14 21:33 other posts of leopoldij 
I knew you'd know!

By #170523 at 27,Jul,14 03:05
The one that knows how to build a boat and get us back,
By #11431 at 29,Jul,14 16:30
I built a canoe once .. would that do ?

By sweetslit at 04,Aug,14 01:15 other posts of sweetslit 
Tho I own a lot of rope and a few paddles, I don't know how much help I would be with building a boat

By #372661 at 04,Aug,14 00:23
@seanconnery:You would have to fight me for her first, Starlover that is.

By #300311 at 01,Aug,14 10:35
Bustybabe all the way for me

By Rose at 30,Jul,14 22:36 other posts of Rose 
Of course, I would pick my love, aaa!

By #132188 at 30,Jul,14 20:10
Let's see .... That would be my wife. It's been 28 years on our island so I guess another year or two won't hurt Love you Vettie mwahhh
By bella! at 30,Jul,14 20:29 other posts of bella! 
That's such an incredibly amazing thing to feel and express. You're blessed to have each other!

By DeepThroatThis at 30,Jul,14 14:57 other posts of DeepThroatThis 

By #44980 at 30,Jul,14 14:54
The member I'd pick is a couple, so I'd love to be marooned with bicouple40, they look like a fun no holes barred pair!!!

By *kmadeau* at 30,Jul,14 14:37 other posts of *kmadeau* 
Oh sure 2nice, he gave me a lot of "loving gifts" last week, just to return his "love"... so "nice"

By #136427 at 28,Jul,14 21:39

By #444014 at 26,Jul,14 23:56
Me,myself and I

Then everyone can take themselves and come along with me...
By #316057 at 27,Jul,14 02:57

By #428387 at 27,Jul,14 06:39
I'm gonna take Blue .Looks like he's got a party already planed.
By #358797 at 27,Jul,14 06:39
I'll take him too

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