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Bending it while it's hard...

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Started by Bendy at 12,Mar,13 16:57  other posts of Bendy
Tell me what you think about how I am able to bend my cock while it's hard, and even fold it in half, lol...

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By Bendy at 04,Aug,13 02:00 other posts of Bendy 
ef="//showitoff.org/wmdx4axnsjrlpic.html">lol... so floppy. Can anyone else fold it in half fully erect, ?

By Bendy at 21,Jun,13 00:49 other posts of Bendy 
Please just make fun of it

By Bendy at 02,Jun,13 05:15 other posts of Bendy 
Ladies please humiliate it

By #6568 at 17,May,13 07:19
Presumably anyone who can do this is not really 'hard' in the first place. When I get properly hard there is no way on earth that I could bend it with my bare hands even if i wanted to, which I don't!......

.....Anything like this is actually quite dangerous and asking for trouble, so it might be a good idea to NOT try!

By #124665 at 14,May,13 21:03
This is a very dangerous thing to do to an erect penis
By #13219 at 16,May,13 03:25
Agreed. This could very easily damage your penis or at least for most men. A fracture of the penis can be a very big problem
By #124665 at 16,May,13 23:08
It will lead to scar tissue forming and creating erection problems eventually

By #137412 at 14,May,13 15:39
That's really cool - I tried but it won't fold when fully erect you are really flexible.

[deleted image]

By Bendy at 14,May,13 07:56 other posts of Bendy 
I dunno, it's just kind of flexible,

By #359325 at 15,Mar,13 03:18
How can anyone do that when your dick is rock hard? My thinking it's impossible????

By #177288 at 15,Mar,13 03:08
How you can do it? For me it is impossible

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