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Exposing in Public

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Started by #452993 at 03,Jun,14 14:12
I like to wear clothes in public so my pussy slips out the side of my shorts or my titties can be seen without being obvious. Who can give me ideas to get guys or ladies to want to "accidentally" rub against my pussy when I'm bending over or "accidentally" rub against my nipples so I can coax them to do more. They are looking but nobody has tried to touch but I want it to all seem "accidental"!!
My hubby likes to show his nice hard cock too but wants to hear from the ladies how best to know when they want to see it!

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New Comment

By t-rex at 02,Aug,14 13:02 other posts of t-rex 
It's hard for a guy to do that, because we might want to, we know we would probably get arrested, maybe you could talk to someone, then have them slyly do it, that way they know you wouldn't start screaming

By #463304 at 31,Jul,14 20:16
I love exposing myself but only in the right circumstances...dont wanna seem like a creep lol

By spermkiss at 26,Jul,14 18:42 other posts of spermkiss 
Well, your hubby can wear snug fitting pants made out of thin material without underpants. He can also wear shorts without underpants so that he sometimes hangs out.

By leopoldij at 26,Jul,14 17:30 other posts of leopoldij 
Where do you live? I want to come by take a look at your ppuspussys

Adult Discussion Forum