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The most stupid peoples from this website are:

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If you wish to participate you should register on that site and write there

Started by #19952 at 12,Aug,09 12:48
So.. I will let a message from a user,I wish to be deleted from this website:
Here is a short conversation between me(danie18bv) and a very stupid man, leahcim.
What you said about that ?!

Aug 12, 07:43 daniel18bv: I will report you to the admin,because you used a bad language and atitude !!!

Aug 11, 12:41 leahcim: Yes I don't have a camera!!
Fuck you you little perfert!!!


Aug 10, 13:09 leahcim: Sorry no camera.

Aug 10, 06:55 daniel18bv: Thank You,Mike ! Do you have some pics,please ?!

Aug 9, 16:17 leahcim: You are hot!!!

Aug 8, 15:45 daniel18bv: Hello ;)) Are you jokking ?! ;)) You're nice... but I'm not the best from this site ;) I know that many guys think that east-european peoples/guys are nice..;))

Aug 8, 14:23 leahcim: Yes they must be good looking but you are the best looking
of all of them!!

Aug 8, 08:54 daniel18bv: Hello ! My country is a very beautiful but we have a lot of stupid peoples.. so you will not like to live in my country... . And trust me... south-east european guys/girls are hot !!! Thanks for your message and for your compliments ! :)

Aug 7, 21:04 leahcim: I am from the USA in the state Oiho
Sure wish I were in your country to
enjoy giving you head and eating your cum!!
You are very hot!!!

Aug 6, 17:29 daniel18bv: Hello,Mike ! Thanks for your message ! I'm from Romania :) You ?!

Aug 6, 11:18 leahcim: Where are you and your beautiful cock located? Mike

Aug 6, 11:17 leahcim: Where are you and that beautiful of yours located?

Aug 6, 05:53 daniel18bv: You can...

Aug 5, 12:58 leahcim: I want to worship your cock!!!
Older Ohio guy.

Thanks !
A good day !

With friendship,

Similar topics: 1.Profile with no pics = stupid   2.What the FUCK is up with these Porn sites "Pop-UPs Ads" covering displayed photos?   3.Best website to masturbate with webcam   4.Late night trash   5.Retarded ass questions that you know are retarded but still want to ask anyway.  

New Comment

By #3131 at 13,Aug,09 05:23
Hmm, how went that old magic spell? "Don't troll the feeds!" or something like that?
By admin at 13,Aug,09 14:26 other posts of admin 
It's another way around - "don't feed the trolls" :)

By #4119 at 12,Aug,09 19:04
I think one of the most stupid people on this site is you.
By #19952 at 12,Aug,09 20:38
You are a stupid gay !
By #4119 at 12,Aug,09 20:53
Posting this comment was no good idea, on a site like this. The majority of this site is either bi or gay.

By the way, reading your comments I think you are gay, too.
By #19952 at 12,Aug,09 20:59
You post your message with : "By Asatru1 at August 12, 2009 Hide

I think one of the most stupid people on this site is you."... and what I must to say ?! If you are not educated,if you are rude,if you are a paysan.. is your problem....
By #4119 at 12,Aug,09 21:08
lol. Why should I not be educated?
It does not bother me if you are rude to me, I just said that it was not a good idea to write "..stupid gay.." on this site.
By #19952 at 12,Aug,09 21:12
But you think that is a good ideea to speak with : "think one of the most stupid people on this site is you". I am rude ?! Or you ?!
By #4119 at 12,Aug,09 21:18
Sure, you where the first one to be rude to somebody, and this one was not even rude to you! he just said that he has no cam!
you tell me that I am uneducated?
look at your english..

By #14182 at 12,Aug,09 15:32
What is your problem? So the guy doesn't have a camera, so what. A lot of people don't have cameras. Do you think Americans are born with cameras? You need to grow up little boy. And I agree with anonym29, you seem to be the rude one. You will not be missed. Bye-bye.
By #3997 at 12,Aug,09 15:50
I had someone ask me that the other day, like you dont have a camera, how do you get pictures on here, I am like does my pics look like they were taken on a digital camera, first off, and you can upload pictures from a digital camera, its like people get hard-ons from webcams

Adult Discussion Forum