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Started by #303133 at 31,Mar,13 17:42
I said it.
So what?
I'll say it again:
How do you like THEM apples?

New Comment

By #201583 at 01,Apr,13 03:07
I prefer the use of lust, as only a member of Mensa would be imbecilic enough to destroy such a romantic word and substitute it with an abomination.

As for the apples, only if they are cold, and Granny Smith.
By bella! at 01,Apr,13 03:44 other posts of bella! 
Granny Smith? GALA!
By #303133 at 01,Apr,13 05:05
I beg to differ with you both.

Pink Lady (Cripps Pink) are, by far, the best apples. Tart and crisp at first bite, they actually grow sweeter as you continue to munch their juicy flesh! Cider pressed from Pink Lady apples is the nectar of the gawds. Seriously.
By #201583 at 01,Apr,13 18:38
The true nectar of the gods is the freshly squeezed juice of a Ruby Red Grapefruit. Mmmmm
By #303133 at 01,Apr,13 18:52
You must worship some strange and silly pagan gawds...
By #201583 at 02,Apr,13 00:41
George Carlin is hardly a god.

By #23212 at 05,Apr,13 05:21
Unless you are concerned about the Ruby Red Juice playing havoc with your CYP450 enzyme, and messing with any meds you might take.

By bigone21 at 31,Mar,13 18:21 other posts of bigone21 
let's see how smart I am...

perpendicularity - maintaining a standing or upright position; standing up.

By #364688 at 01,Apr,13 03:39
sitting down?
By bigone21 at 01,Apr,13 20:07 other posts of bigone21 

By bella! at 31,Mar,13 17:56 other posts of bella! 
This is exactly WHY I like YOU! You have helped me to expand my sad and lack luster vocabulary! Now that I have looked it up and understand the meaning, now my task will be how to use it in an e-mail or general conversation!

I was really torn between participating in thread entitled "Concupiscence" or the thread below "Wood u sucky cock an eat my cum 4 the time".

Adult Discussion Forum