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Munchkins and Flying Monkeys

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Started by #303133 at 08,Apr,13 21:44
That's what most Americans think of if you say you are from OZ.
No offense is intended, that's just the way we roll.
Munchkins, due to a tad creepy.
Flying Monkeys, on the other hand, are fucking awesome!


(For those of you who are thinking "This is a damn SEX SITE! What the hell do munchkins and flying monkeys have to do with sex?", I suggest that you reread the post and randomly insert the word "penis" wherever you like. Or, go take a flying fuck at a winged monkey.That should make it all better.)

That is all.

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New Comment

By #201583 at 10,Apr,13 12:28
Damn it! Now I'm confused. Where in the hell does the rainbow really end? It's bad enough I have to worry about getting bombed by migratory birds, now monkey's too.
By #303133 at 10,Apr,13 14:23
Being bombed with flying monkey dookie is considered to be good luck in many countries...
By #201583 at 10,Apr,13 15:12
Who wants to go into partnership making flying monkey calls? We can have our own TV series, or even be honored on Jerry Springer.

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