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am i being interviewed to see if i'm worthy enough to get you off?

This is an Adult Discussion Forum of Show It Off Site
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Started by #371626 at 12,Apr,13 18:52
It seems to me that some men come at me on this site and question me about certain things that really have no bearing on why my man and I are here as a couple. It feels as though I'm being interviewed to see if I am going to be the girl chosen to get the guy to cum for me.
Understand this...
we are not here to see to it that you cum for us. If you choose to, then by all means enjoy! We are not going to prove that we have what it takes to get your job done for you. Our pics and vids are what we are offering, and talking through your orgasm isn't why we are here, and if you need to be talked through it, then maybe you aren't using it right.
We enjoy showing ourselves off, but nowhere in our blog does it say " come see me if you wanna cum real badly".
We don't need to be compared to what you've had in the past, or to what you are currently fucking these days. And quite frankly, it wreaks of neediness.
And comparing your cock to my man, as if I'm going to somehow see the light and race to whatever city you live in and live happily ever ever with you because of your dick size is absolutely absurd... so enough of the wiener comparing already, IT IS SUCH A TURN OFF!!!!!!!
And while I'm in the midst of my little bitch fest, asking us 8 times in a row what our skype i.d. is... even after we tell you we aren't skyping... enough already!
Once again, we welcome all polite people to our site, and those of you who have friended us, you know who you are... we appreciate your good manners and want to continue our little chats with you.
For those of you who can't seem to get the hang of using good manners... don't bother visiting.

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New Comment

By #258470 at 12,Apr,13 19:30
Amen! I could not agree more.

Adult Discussion Forum