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"Are You Spamming" ?

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Started by CreativeOne at 24,May,21 05:13  other posts of CreativeOne
"Are You Spamming" ? ... Is Anyone else getting this message Everytime you write on someone's page?
Personally, I have always enjoyed leaving messages on members walls ... Just seems like the right thing to do especially since his or her pictures are worthy of a really nice compliment. However in the last few weeks no matter what I write I can't leave Any message at all because I keep getting that same message asking ... "Are you spamming" ?

Similar topics: 1.Was bored so I made this!   2.Why does my main page say I'm spamming when I comment?   3.Spamming   4.Slight change   5.ARE YOU SPAMMING?  

New Comment

By mr_blue at 03,May,22 22:05 other posts of mr_blue 
yeah, it's getting stupid now, I just want to say thank you....and that's spamming cuz I use the same words...

Change the wording,same thing,add more words , still the same...
Saying thanks has become really difficult for no reason.

By HotFuckerBoy at 25,Jul,21 16:25 other posts of HotFuckerBoy 
I can send a member a "thank you for visiting my page" comment on thier page wall, and then I can never use it again because it thinks I'm "spamming"! How many fucking ways do I need to reword this mesaage????

Enough already!

When it asks "are you spamming?" Give me a damn button to push to answer that "no, I am NOT spamming" to let my nice friendly message through.

Tired of this BS algorithm, or what ever it is, its NOT a site improvement...
By bella! at 25,Jul,21 16:33 other posts of bella! 
Just a suggestion, why not add...."Thank you for visiting my page, HotFuckerBoy". Obviously you include their screen name and it makes it DIFFERENT and it's PERSONAL.
By HotFuckerBoy at 25,Jul,21 16:38 other posts of HotFuckerBoy 
Sure it is and I agree, but my point is I'll only get to use it one single time, after that, it's considered spam never to be used again. It does not appear that there is any type of 24 hour grace period between using the same worded mesage. After coming up with 20+ versions of "thank you for visiting" messages the well runs a bit dry. It did not used to be this way here and now it's fucking ridiculous
By bella! at 25,Jul,21 17:07 other posts of bella! 
Try this instead, although canned and not personal, it bypasses the algorithm and it is a site favorite amongst the SYD members. Begin by saying "G'day", then tell the member that you hope they enjoyed your pictures. Tell them they're welcome to come back for another look see and finish it off by telling them to "Stay super sexy always".
By Sir-Skittles at 26,Jul,21 18:10 other posts of Sir-Skittles 

White Precious makes me nauseous .... a true war pig

By phart at 25,Jul,21 15:28 other posts of phart 
Very annoying,I tryed to send a direct link to a web page to a member by pm and got the "are you spamming " shit. First and only time I would have tried to send that link to anyone on the site . Hardly spamming. I had to type the link out with www DOT etc DOT com to get it go thru.Very annoying.

By leopoldij at 26,May,21 12:23 other posts of leopoldij 
It's designed to prevent writing the same thing again and again. But it's become a pain. Ask admin to take a look.
By admin at 26,May,21 15:23 other posts of admin 
It is designed to prevent spammers leaving dozens of messages like they do "visit my xxx site" or "write me to my email xxxx" or "call me to xxxx phone". Trust me it was necessary. I had a real infestation of them until I made it.

But if you leave exactly same messages within short span of time it will stop you too. Which is exactly what people here are doing. I can see every blocked message in the log. They are trying to leave exactly same messages as they just wrote on someone else's wall.
By leopoldij at 26,May,21 16:48 other posts of leopoldij 
Thanks for replying. I'm sure it's been a problem. It happens all the time.

By whatsupcocks at 23,Jun,21 07:41 other posts of whatsupcocks 
Ya a must have filter, or we would all have 100's of emails every time we checked are emails and most would be crap. great work to admin. for keeping these low life's to a minimum on are site .

By kebmo at 05,Jul,21 00:50 other posts of kebmo 
admin I’ve also been having this problem and I just experienced it again. On alibaba site I successfully left a message that said “I can see your cock from Canada “.
After that I immediately went to Johannes93 and said “ He looks happy to be here” and received the “are you spamming “message. I have experienced this before with dissimilar messages.

--------------------------------------- added after 7 minutes I just went back again and successfully left another message for Johannes93. Is it a time issue?
--------------------------------------- added after 69 minutes

No I don’t think it’s a timing issue because I just left two messages as quickly as possible and both were successful.
By admin at 05,Jul,21 02:54 other posts of admin 
/member.php?w=642841 He looks so happy to be here!
/member.php?w=644293 He looks very happy to be here!
/member.php?w=644694 He looks so happy to be here!

yeh, "dissimilar" messages... Please don't bother me with this again.
By kebmo at 05,Jul,21 03:14 other posts of kebmo 
Same message but one month, 21 days and 15 days ago to three different members is spamming? Really?

By #623135 at 02,Jun,21 16:07
Try different punctuation (!@#$%^&*) or emojies

By 4everanedger at 09,Jun,21 19:40 other posts of 4everanedger 
Stop spamming
By Dev01 at 05,Jul,21 01:35 other posts of Dev01 

By petersmithspeaking at 04,Jul,21 23:55 other posts of petersmithspeaking 
Still happening for me. Surprised this thread full of long-termers giving valid feeback was not enough for admin to tweak the algorithm. There are only so many ways to say "nice cock" but I still like to say it - sigh

By routemaster at 20,Jun,21 07:39 other posts of routemaster 
I just don't understand this. Five minutes ago I sent a message and it went through fine. A few minutes later I sent another new message to welcome a new member to the site and I got "are you spamming?" again.

By routemaster at 26,May,21 15:42 other posts of routemaster 
I said two days ago that it was working OK again but its now gone awry again.
By #485312 at 02,Jun,21 19:54
yeah, mine does the same, some days it works fine, some days like a few days ago, the first thing I wrote it rejected as spam, and later in he day it was ok..????

By bella! at 09,Jun,21 00:50 other posts of bella! 
Sorry, routemaster, I thought that I was responding to HFB.
By routemaster at 09,Jun,21 06:54 other posts of routemaster 
No problem, bella

By HotFuckerBoy at 08,Jun,21 23:00 other posts of HotFuckerBoy 
Okay, when it asks me "Are you spamming?" Why isnt there a damn NO button I can push so my message will go through and post? SO fucking ANNOYING!!!!
By bella! at 09,Jun,21 00:51 other posts of bella! 
I'm sure it is annoying and I bet you're not repeatedly posting the same "private message" to different members within a short period of time, either.

This has been going on a long time and it surprises me that admin has not addressed or corrected the matter. Very disappointing.
By HotFuckerBoy at 09,Jun,21 01:53 other posts of HotFuckerBoy 
Sometimes it happens on the first dang attempt of the day to post on someone's wall! Yes, this needs to be fixed. Going by this thread, I’m not the only one getting ticked off about it.
By bella! at 09,Jun,21 02:03 other posts of bella! 
I hear ya, now only if admin would...

By CreativeOne at 02,Jun,21 13:47 other posts of CreativeOne 
WTF... 6 are you spamming messages in a row . I just wrote on 6 new members walls... Or rather tried to and all new stuff too. I guess I'm now Banned from writing on anyone's walls now .
This is getting to be a bit toooooooooooo much . Again "What the Fuckin Fuck"
By #485312 at 02,Jun,21 19:50
keep letting admin know, so he can fix it.. its started to do it to me when he shut it off InternetExplorer, Ive tried 3 different browsers .. that might work for you *lix*

By 3fdfd at 27,May,21 23:08 other posts of 3fdfd 
I get it in the middle of a conversation I'm having with a friend. We are chatting and up comes the "are you spamming" ? when I make a comment to him. Doesn't happen often but it's annoying when it does.
By CreativeOne at 02,Jun,21 13:51 other posts of CreativeOne 
I guess Admin doesn't want Anybody to comment on anyone's page or pictures anymore. It is what it is ... I'm Out of here!!!

By eduard99 at 25,May,21 06:41 other posts of eduard99 
It seems that this occurs more and more, one has just to change some words so that your comment gets through. I often have that when I write "welcome to the site" at the beginning. It seems there is one stupid electronic thing that makes that!
By #485312 at 26,May,21 04:27
yeah it happened to me again this morning, not sure why, the first message I posted it happened on, and later on in the day it was OK, ???? maybe its to do with the browser and its updates ??? *lix*
By whatsupcocks at 30,May,21 06:26 other posts of whatsupcocks 
Wow i think were the ones being spammed be this glitch . I been called a spammer lately to, and I don't even like spam .

By fila1305 at 24,May,21 05:38 other posts of fila1305 
I've had that, too. I tried to see if it helped if I rephrased the comment. In some cases it did but in some it didn't.

And there isn't a button 'no' that a member can press when it is a genuine comment.

Also happened with commenting on new members. Guess admin isn't that keen anymore to keep new ones feel welcome.
By CreativeOne at 24,May,21 06:11 other posts of CreativeOne 
Exactly... I was hoping to find a "No" button. Glad to know it's not just me . I've been a member here since July 2009 and never had this happen until about 3 weeks ago. I think I'm banned from writing on anyone's wall.
Oh well ... it was Fun while it lasted.
For the record I always write Nothing but positive comments on everyone's pictures that I see fitting for a comment.
By #485312 at 24,May,21 06:24
I had the same problem and wrote to admin about it. mine seems to be working now, I had trouble when I had to switch browsers.. Ive only ever used IE and thought it was to do with chrome or firefox when I changed to them..
By routemaster at 24,May,21 06:28 other posts of routemaster 
Yes, I've had that problem too. So much so that I have to admit I gave up trying after awhile, even though I like leaving messages, especially for new members to welcome them and encourage them to stay. I'll have another go soon and see what happens.
--------------------------------------- added after 33 minutes

I've just tried again and it seems to be working OK now.
By CreativeOne at 24,May,21 07:50 other posts of CreativeOne 
It worked once or twice ... But apparently if you repeat yourself in anyway you will get that message. I guess it's a burden that all of us that have been here since the beginning almost... Won't be able to comment anymore. The sad truth is that there is just so much we can say that to a computer will see it as the same thing. Even though it's not spamming ... Big Brother sees it that way. I miss welcoming new members and writing on friends walls . I guess we have to face the fact that even this site has been taken over by the eye of computer technology and taking over... Just Like Facebook !
By #485312 at 24,May,21 09:30
I don't think it was his idea to add that 'feature', it was one of those 'wonderful' ideas from a member that brought about the changes .. *lix*

By bella! at 24,May,21 06:28 other posts of bella! 
I know Leilani was having the same problem as well at the beginning of the month.

I wonder if it possible that it has to do with the number of messages being posted on member's pages within "x" amount of time? Perhaps admin will be kind enough to clarify the matter.
By CreativeOne at 24,May,21 07:59 other posts of CreativeOne 
Thank you for your reply my friend and I really hope this gets resolved very quickly ! It really gets frustrating when you put your heart and soul in a nice welcoming message only to see it will never be seen .

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