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This is an Adult Discussion Forum of Show It Off Site
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Started by #163984 at 03,May,13 04:35
I cant see whos visited my page no matter how many times I try and its really pissing me off....become a premium member, fuck that! I say buy a bigger server ADMIN!

Similar topics: 1.Nonexistent Members   2.Rude   3.Pantie wearers   4.ULISSIS IS THE NEW KING   5.Veterans Day  

New Comment

By #132188 at 03,May,13 05:53
Never had that prob myself lol. Just pay abit geeeez, it costs fuck all, its a simple equation as LF said. Free has to stop sometime. Everyone gripes about the site but how is this for a suggestion.... support Admin and it will be better . Ps I dont even come here much anymore but will have a membership as long as Admin keeps it going cause its always a nice place to come back to and hell there ARE some really awesome and REAL people here.... just sayin
By #360973 at 03,May,13 06:08
. Enjoy your weekend, champion
By #274357 at 03,May,13 11:51
Well said, guys. It never ceases to amaze me how many people feel they are entitled to something for nothing.
By #354961 at 03,May,13 13:07
You're nice, but this time have to disagree with you.
By #274357 at 03,May,13 13:08
That's quite alright, my friend. You disagree in what way?
By #354961 at 03,May,13 15:02
This site would not exist without the members who contribute their photos.
Explain how that can be: "entitled to something for nothing".
By #274357 at 03,May,13 15:27
Bottom line, this site would cease to exist unless someone was paying for it.

I agree that posting pictures is an integral part of the site's function and without them it would also cease to exist. However, the pics don't pay the bills.
By #354961 at 03,May,13 15:33
And you believe that to take away that option will make more members to pay the membership?
If so I think you're mistaken.
I believe that opposite. Since I don't know who visited my site I do not visit theirs and can't be thankful to them to visit my site.
Bottom line: traffic on this site goes slowly down....
And if you remember I started that topic ones, invest my 20 points in it and topic has been deleted with no points in return.
There I suggested that this option could be a reward to the verified members.

See ... we can disagree too ...
By #274357 at 03,May,13 16:22
I wouldn't say that we necessarily disagree, but I think we are arguing from different perspectives. This topic is personal to me in that I once ran a small social website that focused itself around a particular music group. Message boards much like this forum and other interactive features. The site generated zero revenue for myself and was paid for 100% out of my back pocket. It started as a hobby of mine and I enjoyed supporting the band in doing so. As the band's popularity increased, so did my site traffic. While I found it exciting, it also increased my costs significantly. I received no monetary support from users despite my humble requests for donations. Instead I spent most of my time updating, fixing bugs and sorting through notififications that read exactly like the member who started this topic.

In the end, I closed the site as I was no longer willing to fork over thousands of my own dollars monthly for site maintenance. The out lash in neighboring forums was astounding to me. I was nothing short of Satan himself for refusing to keep the site running. I realize some of it is out of ignorance not realizing that this type of thing does require funding to maintain and it can be substantial.
By #23212 at 03,May,13 23:59
It seems to me that these arguments have ignored the revenue from advertising. A great many 'free' sites, from large web mail providers to smaller 'adult' photo/video and forum type sites, remain mostly 'free' because of advertising income, I believe.

By #220845 at 03,May,13 16:35
Since I have been here, over time the website has gotten kind of screwed up.

By admin at 03,May,13 04:59 other posts of admin 
Sure, send me $5500 and I'll buy it right away.

Adult Discussion Forum