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Started by #402380 at 15,Jun,13 00:40
New to the site, love it. I see a lot of hairless cocks and balls. How many of you guys have tried a broxilian wax. I've had it done several times and really love it. I dont' find it too painfull and like having a chick working her waxing skills on me.

Similar topics: 1.Hair removal methods   2.Hairy body or Waxed one ???? Confused   3.Getting a Brazilian Waxing   4.waxing   5.Do ladies like men who have Brazilian waxing  

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By leopoldij at 25,Mar,18 23:20 other posts of leopoldij 
Waxing video
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By #402380 at 15,Jun,13 20:02
I have had EVERYTHING done front and rear. If you're a female it's a Brazilian wax, for males brozilian. I have tried 2 different estetitians. The first lady is fantastic, takes her time and she is very gentle. I Tried another for a change once and she was brutal. Rushed it in about 15 minutes and tore a lot of skin.
By #23212 at 16,Jun,13 00:08
Aha, Mr. 'jongwe'. Here is the SLANG word for 'Brazilian' that you are using, from 'Urban Dictionary':


August 15, 2012 Urban Word of the Day:

Derived from the term Brazilian which refers to the near-complete removal of the pubic and ass-crack hair via waxing. Refers to the analogous procedure performed on a man, usually in the hopes of receiving friction-free group analingus at the local rest stop from mustachioed long-haul truckers."

Do watch out for those truckers.

Sorry to hear about the second brutal one--"tore skin"--Yikes!! Have you ever thought of trying the Philips BodyGroom instead? Cheers to you.

By #23212 at 15,Jun,13 07:40
Hello Mr. 'jongwe'.
Welcome to SYD. We are usually most all a friendly group here. I am sorry that some of us, myself included most definitely, have made fun of your spelling on your first day here. Please just take it as humour, as most of us like to use that also. (And most of us use spell checkers in our browsers. )

By #23212 at 15,Jun,13 01:41
What is a "broxilian"?
By #316255 at 15,Jun,13 01:44
By #402380 at 15,Jun,13 06:05
lol, was so excited I made a typo. brozilian! there you go
By #23212 at 15,Jun,13 07:16
Oh yes, "a typo".
Now, a "brozilian" is something much more understandable. It's one of those new kind of infra-red BBQs, eh non?
By #328554 at 15,Jun,13 07:20
Wouldn't there be a terrible smell of burning hair?
By #23212 at 15,Jun,13 07:28
Nah, he's hairless, from that "broxilian wax". But the wax leaves a bad smell from all the broxes used.

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