| I have a big ass ballsack with big balls. I took some amphetamine and they cinched up really far. I realized that on the **** I took, I could make them rotate, shift or even shrink (lose fluid into sack then into body)
I was way more proud of them when they were small and symmetrically crammed into the muscular, grooved hemispheres. They felt incredible! So ecstatic that I wanted to squeeze them to a pulp with the sack.
I dont want big balls. I dont want balls period. Just the tubes needed to cum squeezed right against the urethra, with the grid of skin that the fully flexed scrotum would be pancaked around the circumference of my cock.
I got pretty close. Im gonna keep working until they're peanuts. The scrodum is a hard round globe with lines like Jupiter. If I focus I keep it round, maybe after a few days of keeping it, my dick could be called rocket to jupiter.
the right wants to pop backward and form a two-sphered sack, I immediately stop this by imagining all the sperm cells erupting outwards and disintegrating against the sack wall.
the powers of imagination and deep thought will modify your dick! Im amazed and excited and cant wait to get to work on all of my parts!
Saving the dick for last, the ballsack is an intriguing project. Ladies and gentlemen, share your thoughts |