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" Low hanging balls "

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Started by #19575 at 24,Mar,10 00:17
I see a lot of members here like to sport their "Low Hanging Balls" ... as I do too . So if you want to , go ahead and put your pics here (and as many as you want to) , so everyone here can come to this one spot on the DF (Discussion Forum) and just see "Low Hanging Balls" ! :-)

Similar topics: 1.Who loves Low hanging balls too?   2.Loose Nuts   3.lower hanging balls   4.Who has the lowest hanging balls on the site?   5.LOW HANGING COCK AND BALLS!  

New Comment

By Odin_york_pa at 03,Jun,13 02:37 other posts of Odin_york_pa 
By 3fdfd at 12,Dec,15 15:43 other posts of 3fdfd 
very nice

By #495901 at 09,Dec,15 15:11
[deleted image]
By 3fdfd at 12,Dec,15 15:43 other posts of 3fdfd 
they do hang

By Yando at 12,Dec,15 10:03 other posts of Yando 
By 3fdfd at 12,Dec,15 15:43 other posts of 3fdfd 
uncut cock & ALL that hair

By #215642 at 30,Jan,15 22:01
Mein Hanging Ball

By #468537 at 31,Jul,14 22:04
Is this how to get lower hanging balls?
[deleted image]

By youngjpcock at 18,Aug,13 03:15 other posts of youngjpcock 

By #48122 at 29,May,13 16:15
[deleted image]

[deleted image]

[deleted image]

I like the first picture best...

By #333872 at 28,May,13 18:50
[deleted image]

it depends on the weather and the state I'm in.
I'm happy wwhen the are like this, but sometimes the hang more and often they almost disapeare...

By doedeldi at 09,May,13 15:51 other posts of doedeldi 

By #336173 at 08,May,13 13:45
My hangers.....

[deleted image]

By bigone21 at 24,Feb,12 18:00 other posts of bigone21 

they don't hang low because of the ironwork, i can easely handle the stretchers because my balls hang low!!

By #102374 at 13,Jul,11 02:58
Could not figure out how to post a pic here but ck my pics. My balls sometime get in the way.

By MoeJoe at 14,May,10 09:10 other posts of MoeJoe 
My loose hanging nuts...

[deleted image]

By Simons32 at 09,Apr,10 18:40 other posts of Simons32 

By #39070 at 31,Mar,10 21:01
mine hang low... especially if im hot...i have to be careful not to sit on them!

By #46165 at 25,Mar,10 23:49
some awesome hangers here. wish mine hung like that

By #14110 at 24,Mar,10 09:49
Not the best, but sometimes they work for me...

[deleted image]
By spermkiss at 25,Mar,10 17:35 other posts of spermkiss 
You are being overly modest in describing your balls as "Not the best". If yours are not the best balls in the world, they're certainly in the top ten.

By #6568 at 24,Mar,10 09:14
It's just a function of temperature, warm conditions the sac thins out to cool the testes, which means they hang down. So if you want good 'hanging' pix then get really warm perhaps in a hot bath before taking the pix.......

....Tight high balls are due to both cool temperature and/or sexual arousal shortly before ejaculation.

By spermkiss at 24,Mar,10 06:20 other posts of spermkiss 
Great idea! As a dedicated admirer of low hangers I say let the testicle parade begin. 'Sorry, but mine aren't low hangers. Maybge that's why I admire them so much.

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